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Full Version: Pale Lauder Spawning Behavior Suggestion
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Wouldn't it be funny if all destructible battlefield objects including things like the gems from that one boss have a non-zero chance of spawning a Pale Lauder? Wouldn't that be funny dev? Wouldn't it? Wouldn't it be funny to watch people panic every time they destroy something? I think it would be. Imagine, a Pale Lauder could be anywhere. Anywhere at all. Doesn't matter if it's living or not. Maybe they can lay dormant until disturbed. Wouldn't that be reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally funny dev?
[Image: devil.gif]

(Jokes aside I don't actually think that Lauders can exist for long outside of a living being, akin to other similar parasites IRL.)
I mean. They literally come out of wooden training dummies still.
So. . . .
I mean. . .
Seems like they can.
Or its a bug.
Or my training dummies are a bit less humane than I imagined.
It's not a Bug it's a Feature.
Not that it's a bug, but it's likely unintentional because of how Pale Lauders spawn - from enemies in general. Anything considered an "enemy" spawns them, which Wooden Dummies are when you train with them...