NEUS Projects

Full Version: Power Leap Talent/Trait
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Give us the ability to freely jump over obstacles while walking in the overworld, through the use of a command or macro, and then double-clicking a valid terrain, at the cost of all your physical stamina.

It'd be cool to be like flippin' ninjas and stand on rooftops on a whim.
This is so cool...!
Honestly why not? Yes please
Can't wait to be stuck, Step-bro!
Can we give it to winged races too? (Also make Winged Races not require the jump talent please!)
Yeah, for sure. Flight would likely reduce the stamina cost and not require the Talent requisite.
"#Gm-help, I used Power Leap to jump in an area that I can't leave. Can someone teleport me out-"

"You used the physical stamina to get there, you can wait for it to regen to get out. Smile"

lmao lets do it