NEUS Projects

Full Version: Pie Movement
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This is a very niche suggestion- have weapons affected by Item Regalia be allowed to use movement states in the .dmi format. The easiest example I can think for this would be, say, if I iconned a pie. The pie has four directions- north, south, east, and west. As it is currently, if we use Roundtrip with the pie, only south is used, despite the other directions being present. It could be used for cool things like weapon energy strikes, or such.

Example pie attached below, big thanks to Tana for helping test the pie and reminding me there's a test server so I didn't use an item regalia for nothing.

Inaccessible, such a sawbait!
Crap, should work now

It’s really nothing special though lol I just made it for the test
This'd be a cool idea.