05-05-2015, 03:34 PM
A red book with a dirt-stained cover and even dirtier pages lays open for the curious reader. Despite this, the book appears to be reasonably new, indicating this book was recently used. Upon opening the book, a map appears to be pinned to the inside front cover. (see attachment)
Treasure Hunting Diary:
If found, please return to Lunette Katona.
This diary will be documenting the search attempts for a very well hidden treasure. The map shows nothing but grass, making the location of this treasure incredibly difficult to find. Whether found or not, I will be documenting the progress and outcomes of results.
Day 1:
Today marks the day I go treasure hunting. I have grabbed enough spades to last me for the day, although I cannot help but feel like I am being watched...
Day 2:
No luck so far. Had to fend off a few beasts in the process which hindered my progress for a while. Needless to say, the fight was triumphant. I found a funny looking stone but apart from that, my digging results yielded no treasure.
Day 3:
I have yet to find the treasure after my intense search in Tannis. It is becoming more illusive than I thought. In other news, i caught 2 people falling into the holes I made. Woops. Best to make sure I cover each hole after myself to avoid this occurance happening again.
Day 4:
After digging up the remaining potential spots, I have concluded that the treasure is not in Tannis. My endevours have now been focused towards the nameless shrine. I hope to find better luck there.
Nameless Shrine:
Day 4:
So far I have been digging, starting from the bottom sections of the shrine and working my way up. The only highlight of my day was when a frog decided to jump into one of the holes and I had to try and save the poor thing before I gave it an early grave.
Day 5:
I noticed a few people making a farm nearby. I was digging up on the second ridge and had at least three people running too and from the area. I hope I don't have to dig up their farm to find my treasure. Maybe I will try that when they have abandoned it...
Day 6:
After numerous attempts and getting dirt in my hair, I finally found it. The location of the treasure was discovered one ridge below the waterfall, between a short cliff and a tree. The contents were as follows:
1 Holy Storm Chapter Screaming Tome
1 Coral Mercury
1 Arctic Crystal Mirror
1 Iron Numa
1 Scripture
1 Sapphire
1 Emerald
73 Casino Coins
485 Murai.
To conclude, the find was a success and reaped reasonable rewards. I am almost certain that most of these items are of decent value and quality, making this hunt worth the effort. I look forward to the next illusive treasure that I am given the opportunity to find!
Lunette Katona
Treasure Hunting Diary:
If found, please return to Lunette Katona.
This diary will be documenting the search attempts for a very well hidden treasure. The map shows nothing but grass, making the location of this treasure incredibly difficult to find. Whether found or not, I will be documenting the progress and outcomes of results.
Day 1:
Today marks the day I go treasure hunting. I have grabbed enough spades to last me for the day, although I cannot help but feel like I am being watched...
Day 2:
No luck so far. Had to fend off a few beasts in the process which hindered my progress for a while. Needless to say, the fight was triumphant. I found a funny looking stone but apart from that, my digging results yielded no treasure.
Day 3:
I have yet to find the treasure after my intense search in Tannis. It is becoming more illusive than I thought. In other news, i caught 2 people falling into the holes I made. Woops. Best to make sure I cover each hole after myself to avoid this occurance happening again.
Day 4:
After digging up the remaining potential spots, I have concluded that the treasure is not in Tannis. My endevours have now been focused towards the nameless shrine. I hope to find better luck there.
Nameless Shrine:
Day 4:
So far I have been digging, starting from the bottom sections of the shrine and working my way up. The only highlight of my day was when a frog decided to jump into one of the holes and I had to try and save the poor thing before I gave it an early grave.
Day 5:
I noticed a few people making a farm nearby. I was digging up on the second ridge and had at least three people running too and from the area. I hope I don't have to dig up their farm to find my treasure. Maybe I will try that when they have abandoned it...
Day 6:
After numerous attempts and getting dirt in my hair, I finally found it. The location of the treasure was discovered one ridge below the waterfall, between a short cliff and a tree. The contents were as follows:
1 Holy Storm Chapter Screaming Tome
1 Coral Mercury
1 Arctic Crystal Mirror
1 Iron Numa
1 Scripture
1 Sapphire
1 Emerald
73 Casino Coins
485 Murai.
To conclude, the find was a success and reaped reasonable rewards. I am almost certain that most of these items are of decent value and quality, making this hunt worth the effort. I look forward to the next illusive treasure that I am given the opportunity to find!
Lunette Katona