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Full Version: Lame-galfa
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Weak! Goblin Shaman takes 52 Fire damage.
Weak! Goblin Shaman takes 52 Fire damage.
Weak! Goblin Shaman takes 0 Fire damage.
Weak! Goblin Shaman takes 52 Fire damage.
Weak! Goblin Shaman takes 0 Fire damage.
Weak! Goblin Shaman takes 52 Fire damage.
Weak! Goblin Shaman takes 0 Fire damage.
Weak! Goblin Shaman takes 52 Fire damage.

This was with Rank 5 Exgalfa, a tome, and about 80 will.

Exgalfa sucks, buff it.

(To note, this was while also buffed with Nerhaven. Amazing, right?)
Could very well just be a bug in calculating the luck based minus damage portion of the spell. If it's rank 5, you should be dealing with +-15, and if 52 is +15, the fireballs shouldn't be doing less than 22 damage on a low swing.
I've never seen it do 0 without Devotion, even on RES tanks, so this is weird.