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Full Version: Click/Drag Pains
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So I have absolutely no idea what's been causing this, but it's pretty much been the bane of my existence. Got it to fix somehow, but now I can't and it's been doing this for days.

[Image: 12d861fe10b8f57493fa11ac225791de.gif]
[Image: 9c4ce3abfb67162ecbc05010ac395e96.gif]
[Image: 86339be93768dc84cccf50c9d5a00326.gif]
(I know it looks like I'm just doing a sloppy job trying to put the classes in, but that's just Gyazo trying to make me look bad.)

I can't click/drag anything into anything, period. This hinders my ability to fix my class setup, change equipment, trade, and sell items. I have no idea what to do anymore.
First, I considered it might've just been lag. But this would've been some really strong lag if it lasted for several days like this has.
Second, I tried restarting SL2, .reconnect, restarting the BYOND cilent, restarting my computer... Nothing. None of these things have fixed the issue. Screwing with my mouse controls didn't help either.
What do?
Have you tried dragging over to where the desired thing is supposed to go, and then leaving your mouse there for ~15 seconds? I had to do that yesterday.

EDIT: Also, cache.
"[url= Wrote:Mivereous ยป Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:12 pm[/url]"]Have you tried dragging over to where the desired thing is supposed to go, and then leaving your mouse there for ~15 seconds? I had to do that yesterday.

EDIT: Also, cache.

Tested both just now, neither worked sadly.
You could try removing the SL2 skin folder in your Documents/BYOND directory.