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Full Version: Potions on Enemies?
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I was curious as to what the stance would be if we were able to use potions on enemies as far as balance would go. Mainly for the rp aspect of forcing healing on enemies, or to for example, 'debuff' them using devil wax. Perhaps a skill in the curate category or a trait or a rank in alchemy talent?

I also see the issues related to someone joins your party to 'help', then revives the enemy and throws a pr-high on them. That aspect would be a little iffy...

Either way, I'm curious what everyone else thinks as this was just a spitball idea.
Wouldn't really be able to revive an enemy, NPC wise anyway, since they disappear on death. While alive, I couldn't see anyone waiting for their enemy to shove some liquid down their throat either, but if so, it'd probably be a chance based thing, or at a reduced level due to them trying not to drink it.
Ehhh, lemme revive this one really quick-- Was the whole 'Potions on Enemies' at other player characters in the middle of PvP? It's a good idea in a sense. Saving the enemy, having mercy, etc.