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Full Version: Doomwall Percentage
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Earlier today, I ran a hardcapped STR Narcus build (126 Scaled ATK with around 65 Fire ATK, narcus was rustic, sharp and had full upgrade) against a defensive build with 53 DEF (see: 46 scaled DEF), 17 Armor, Rank 5 Indomitable, Rank 5 Know No Pain, and around 25% Fire Resistance.

So while we were testing how powerful r5 Shinken (see: 150% Scaled ATK) was (jury's still out on that, by the way), we saw an interesting trend in attacks:

Normal Attack: 42 Fire Damage
r5 Shinken (Normal Attack): 38 Fire Damage
CS r5 Shinken (Normal Attack): 25 Fire Damage

It seems that despite going in at 150% scaled ATK bonus and/or +25 damage, every boost the normal attack got would deal less damage

From what I've crunched so far, I'm given the impression that either Indomitable and/or Elemental Resistance is applying somewhere that they shouldn't and cutting the damage down far more than it should. Where they apply, however, is something I'm not particularly aware of.
I'll need something more concrete here, so please try again and narrow it down to something in particular.