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Full Version: Medibot cooldown when?
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Give it the same cooldown as checkmate pls. 180 x 2 heals are not fair.
I've been abusing medibot and it pretty much wins (PVE and PVP) fights by just spawning it then overclocking (even with people trying to slap interference on me). I'd say it's a fair proposal.
I'd prefer it Metalaegis also got a lesser cooldown to suit, medibot wins fights on it's own, no contest with it in play.
Metal Aegis -also- deserves a cooldown for similar reasons. Turret is only less subject to being an issue as it provides far less utility (all it does is basic attacks, compared to either a Protect wall or the aforementioned heal-spam). Though I wouldn't be opposed to Turret also having a cooldown to make things even, I just don't see it being powerful enough to validate it.

It becomes problematic when there's little to no counter play when the bot can be placed down again immediately after being defeated, leaving you the options of either finishing it off in a single round every time, or inflicting Interference/displacing the target. The cost effectiveness of it is simply far too high to not have a cooldown.
I'd think if Engineers have their currently useful tools nerfed, then their less-used ones should be buffed to compensate.

There's very little worth using in the class aside from the three bots, and until it's made as a class that can stand on its own, I'd think the nerfing should be put off.
So really an engineer rebalance thread might be needed instead? Anyone opposed to that?
None whatsoever. Please, fix engineers. Please
"MegaBlues" Wrote:I'd think if Engineers have their currently useful tools nerfed, then their less-used ones should be buffed to compensate.

There's very little worth using in the class aside from the three bots, and until it's made as a class that can stand on its own, I'd think the nerfing should be put off.

I see no reason to put off a nerf/mechanic tweak that's needed when you're more than able to suggest ways to improve on the lackluster areas -now- if you wanted to. Granted this should obviously be done on another thread (most likely Spo's incoming discusssion topic).
But for now, both defensive machines could use a cooldown on them, really.
[strike]Medibot 4 rounds cooldown, Metalaegis 3 rounds cooldown. I mean, Checkmate got one for just doing 'some more' damage, why not those who are infinity-times over-effective?[/strike]

Edit to avoid double-post:

2 rounds, agreeing with Rany's post down there. As long as these annoying bots have cooldown I'm fine, no matter how many turns. lol.
Alternatively, due to the fact that Medibots will not act on the turn they are used and are such a tempting target, instead lower Medibot heals and keep a shorter cooldown, like 2 turns. Why? Simply put, instead of an instant "HAH, YOU'LL NEVER HEAL BECAUSE THE BOT IS GONE BEFORE IT DOES ANYTHING" you'll be more likely to be able to outdamage the heals and not have to focus the bot itself down. This option just feels more rounded, in my opinion.
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