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Full Version: PvE Monsters and Sanctity
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A lot of monsters that used to have weaknesses, like Barghests, have lost their weakness because of any amount of sanctity. This makes normal strategies in PvE ineffective now for the longest time. Could we have monsters not benefit from %resist on Sanc, or just not get any to begin with?
The only issue with not getting SAN is that monsters will lack any (meaningful) status resistance.

I could see this being fixed by adjusting the monster's weaknesses to be slightly higher (and their resists in turn) to make SAN not drop it below a 25% weakness. Like, say, 30-35% weakness instead of 25%. 30% is fine if monsters aren't being given higher than 30 SAN.
I can't really see what's wrong with them losing their Weakness procs at higher levels (like 45+).

But yes, lower levels not benefiting as greatly from SAN (assuming this isn't the current case) would be nice.