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Skills with cinder tiles that do not currently that do not scale from Fire ATK atm:

Retreating Swipe

Black Knight:
Bright Bishop
Crescent Rook

Demon Hunter:
Crashing Bull
Bellowing Stag

Cyclone Spear


Aerial Razor

Unless these aren't bugs then ignore me.
Martial Artist:
-Peddling Wheel
-Heaven Kick

-Infernal Summon

Don't forget.
(Also, yeah, stamp [Denied] and ignore it if it's intended.)
"Snake" Wrote:Martial Artist:
-Peddling Wheel
-Heaven Kick

Peddling Wheel and Heaven kick are scaling properly.

The others are true though.
This isn't a bug.
I suppose they aren't, I presumed so since Shinken and the others were changed recently, though to be fair, 50% of these skills do 0 damage on cinder tiles.
Since this is a balance fu thread now, yeah, I think this is fair to receive the same changes of Shinken and Crystal Rose. Why? Those little guys' Fire Physical Damage and Matador. It's pretty sad to still see 0-5 damage when the defenses are in % reduction.

But that's really something I'd vote for 50% Fire ATK instead of 100% Fire ATK for the skills that doesn't use a Sword, just to give those a fair use.
If the Cinder tiles doing 0 most of the time on those skills is intended, can we at least get it changed to an effect that isn't literally useless at best and detrimental at worst?
My main concern is just not wanting to make cinders ultra powerful again. They were ridiculously strong for a long time. That said, I don't want them to be doing 0 damage to all targets, either.
I think cinders honestly are a little strong right now when used with 100% fire attack, if we normalized them all(including shinken and crystal rose) to 25% fire attack, then I think that would be a worthwhile reason to build fire attack, as well as make them fair to play against.
Why not 75% for all, then? (That means cinders doing maximum of 45-55 fire physical damage. Quack. 25% would be 17 physical fire damage, enough to make Matador and anti-cinders enchant turn the damage into a flat 0. Spooks pls.)

Max Fire ATK you can get is 70 with all the talent extras, two weapons and a capped STR. (approximately.) And honestly Cinders are not that much of a big matter when we have a foot enchant that halves their damage, fire resist/absorb and spiked threads to prevent knockbacks into Cinders.
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