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Can we get visibility toggles for individual items on the Equipment tab for people that have Plain?

Most of the time I just want to hide a thing or two (like if a character's weapon isn't normally visible), but it ends up hiding things that should be plain to see... and then sometimes I want to stop hiding a thing that was hidden, which just isn't possible without taking a screenshot/offering in trade/etc.

I personally feel it's bad roleplay for me to, say, have a cloaked character with an exposed face, as an example... to have to hide their boots/accessories in order to conceal their armor. Or for someone with small, concealed weapons (Handguns, daggers) etc, to have to conceal literally everything else. At least with a large, conspicuous weapon, you have the option of just not maxing Plain out.
I agree, concealment (Plain) should give the option to toggle visibility of the affected slots.
I don't think this is a bad idea, sometimes you wanna just hide your weapon, but you're fine with others seeing whatever else is there, like heavy armors and the such.
+1 to the OP.
Perhaps when I redo the inventory I'll add a button for this. I'll add it to my list for now.
*thumbs up* Thanks for considering it, Dev!