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Full Version: [QUE] . . . (Item Descriptions)
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I'm not sure if this is meant to be there, or what it's supposed to be if it was previously something else, or if on my character it's just a null value for x reason that I don't currently meet the requirements for but seriously, what is it (for reference, I highlighted it before taking the picture and drawing an arrow to it):

EDIT: This seems to be on all types of 'Wearable' Items.

[Image: f5c3ef3c9b24422d8341e2f7f6abf51b.png]
Anyone else see these?
Yes, in most of my equipment descriptions.
Same here.
In every single equippable item description, yes.
I get them on most items tied to equipment; recipe cards included. I haven't bothered checking crafting materials.
This has been corrected.