NEUS Projects

Full Version: Main-gauche
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A dagger that increases the chance of weapon-based parry skills activating (which is a grand total of Eviter at the moment).

10% sounds pretty fair.
Wouldn't that be the equivalent of giving a dagger more base durability or a part that gives more durability?
That was going to be the original suggestion, but durability has other uses, and it wouldn't make much sense to me for a dagger to be way more durable than anything else.

Also, future proofing.
Fair enough, perhaps a weapon part of some sort exclusive to daggers in the future that gives parry chance, daggers already get cut off from guards, and dont have huge blade (Not that thats a huge issue either), just throwing out ideas.
Oh boy the fencer dreams. Main-gauche (or a blade part) would sound like an neat addition to have for Duelists. (+1)

As for icon, I think Ragnarok Online had one for it.