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Full Version: Arena Reputation
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Could we possibly see the Badlands Arena added to the Reputation List (with it's own ways of being increased)?
+.1 per captured enemy sold into slavery
+.([character level/20] minimum 1) per singles match (so at levels 1-19, +.1; 20-39, +.2; 40-60, +.3)
+.([character level/10] minimum 1) per group match (1-9, +.1; 10-19, +.2; 20-30, +.3; etc)
-([character level/10] minimum 1) per loss (1-9, -1; 10-19, -2; etc)

-200 per arena heal
I agree with that. And yeah, healing in the Arena should eat away your reputation.
I'd suggest including a major penalty if you initiate a serious PvP fight within the Arena.

Otherwise I'm on board for this.
Nah, I don't want people to start getting free heals at the arena. Don't really see the point having a reputation value for the three people who run it, either.
The reward/affected variable(s) doesn't have to be related to healing necessarily (although I think an increased cost in healing for negative affinity would be okay to add), it could be anything from a small discount at the Rewards Shop or simply just altered text-- orrr be like Egwyn and Alstalsia and just serve as a spot for a number.

On another note, I thought there were other NPCs off-game screen that this could apply to (maybe some such as spectators - granted that'd be purely aesthetic given the example with off-screen NPCs). Regardless, thanks for taking the time to look over the thread even if it was shot down.
Maybe just make it an aesthetic with no function and no cap so that we can find out who the true arena champion is.