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Full Version: [Racial Trait] Decoy Illusion
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Just a small simple thought for PvE and to make Papilions a little more interesting. And this really only does affect PvE.

Requirements: 1 Trait Point, Papilion

Decoy Illusion

Cost: 20 FP, 3M

Creates an Illusion within 6 range that tricks monsters into thinking that it's you and angering them by how you tricked them, giving the Illusion a higher target priority than anyone else. (Illusions are level 1, have 1 HP, and last for 1 turn. They stay in their spot and do nothing other than attract monsters to their location. Their icon is the player who cast them with a slightly faded appeal to it, so PCs know which is real and which isn't. Again this is pretty much just a PvE skill.)

I think it would be a nice little benefit for PvE in the event you want to run, or line enemies up for you / your allies. And it'd make Papilions a little bit more useful for support to their allies in combat for PvE. Kind of plays off the whole illusionist thing.
I understand the simplicity of this, but wouldn't just an aggro buff to the Illusion Butterfly suffice?
It would, but that's not necessarily the point of them, and this is also not supposed to inflict status effects, just trick the enemy.
I'm all for an aggro grabbing skill
(and I could've sworn I suggested one for soldiers twice)
This sounds great. I suppose it's like a substitute for invite insanity where you sacrifice status conditions for aggro grabbing. Like Daisuke says, we need more things like this.