NEUS Projects

Full Version: Tickle-Me-Bloeden
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Since Warrick dolls are getting more popular, another type of doll has been appearing around Cellsvich and surrounding villages. They can't be bought; only found in strange places, apparently just left there. Tickling the doll causes it to wiggle and squirm, saying a short message.

[Image: 2a97e1567b.gif]

Roll 1d20 to see what the message will display:

1: Hee hee! I want you inside me!

2: Hee hee! Death to the Empire!

3: Oh ho ho ho! I love you!

4: Ah hee hee! Kill and mutilate a bunch of people and then you'll be idolized!

5: If you don't love me, I'll love you more!

6: Shoulders are for sitting!

7: The best clowns are those who don't wear a costume!

8: Bring down the Empire for the sake of FUN, kids!

9: Let's play a game!

10: This doll is 100% anatomically correct!

11: Yes, like that, babe!

12: Sometimes when life brings you down, you have to find the perfect hole in the perfect tree!

13: When live gives you lemons, you visit the hospital to remove the lemons!

14: You're in hell. You've been playing at this for how long, now? And you're tickling someone else's doll? For what purpose?

15: Go big or go bigger!

16: Go big or give up on your dreams. You're not worth it. I've never believed in you.

17: Eventually we all die. Even immortals like vampires die sooner or later.

18: There is no afterlife. Just a thin barrier that tries to break when you die, and if you don't escape soon enough you'll never get out of the abyss.

19: You will join the nothingness, eventually. There's nothing worth striving for, because there's nothing later. Just...

20: Hee hee! Not my funnybone!