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Full Version: I'm bald help
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Can Liches have the hair tab returned to them for the purposes of creativity/arcane-like hair? I know they don't have actual physical hair anymore but
arcane hair wouldn't be such a reach and I think it'd add some flavor to the rp if everyone wasn't the exact same bald lich.
I'm pretty sure someone talked about "energy hair" at some point, or making icons for it. Honestly, just use the base ones and add/brighten the colors and it's just the same. No idea why this shouldn't get added.
Exactly my thoughts.
[Image: d28cbcd08ce7c93cc70b9015c059ab70.png]
Most Lich-like playbys people come across nowadays have hair. This would be highly appreciated, it's not like anything bad would come from having energy hair at least.