04-08-2019, 05:00 AM
Located somewhere, either in a very heavily guarded lockbox or on a certain someone's person with an anti-theft chain. There were words written on the front cover in large very aggressive looking lettering as if someone had taken a brush and splashed ink onto it in rage reading DO NOT TOUCH
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Quote:Somebody Ruined My Fucking Good Time At The Bar Today:
Today, was another day. I woke the fuck up, James was pretty prompt, as usual, god bless that damn bird. Did the usual shit, got ready, went to work. Some asshole decided that they were going to schedule a fucking meeting first thing in the morning and that fucking sucked. I swear to god. But overall, it wasn't as bad as it could've been. It was a long day at work and, finally, I had the chance to go to the fucking bar.
Yggdrasil, nice place, it's been here for most of the time I've spent in this damn continent. Owned by a friend, or at least I consider them a friend, and it's got a nice atmosphere. One of the nicer bars of Dormeho really. I rode in on Magnus and I just wanted to do one fucking thing. Open the door, sit the fuck down, and drink some god damn alcohol and socialize. I feel like that ain't too much to ask. Turns out I'm wrong. Fuck you Amiras. You're probably not even related but fuck you anyways.
The moment I come in, some people were mouthing off to each other for some fucking reason. Honestly, I couldn't really give that much of a shit over what the hell they were fighting about, I just wanted to sit down, get a drink, and stay outta that scene. But it got worse. This fucking asshole militia fuck, he was trying to "umpire" that shit telling them to go outside for a "fair fight" that he'd "moderate". Fair fucking fight my ass what the fuck's with people and not being able to solve shit like civilized adults? Swear to god fuckers weren't even drunk yet, least they'd have an excuse if they were. Still, at this point I was just watching, might as well enjoy the show. Then it all went to shit.
This crazy fucking bitch, I say crazy because she's fucking crazy, probably, I mean she acted fucking crazy, just jumped off of her god damn barstool and started bashing this woman's head against the floor while chocking her the fuck out. At that point, it was kind've a blur. I was angry but also panicking. [strike]It was somhi[/strike]It was something alright. She was persistent, I wasn't gonna be able to pull her off even if I tried so, I got the guards. Thankfully someone was around, maybe my luck ain't that shit after all. Sorry, Amiras. He handled it pretty quickly, gotta love that guy. Still, I had to take the victim to the hospital and well, I ruined one of my fucking coats. God fucking damn it, blood stains just don't fucking come out. Swear to god.
I was pissed.
I hope that crazy bitch gets arrested. I don't give a damn if they were arguing or some shit, that fucking bitch was crazy. Like, actually crazy. The kinda crazy that don't belong in public. Fucking hell those marks in her neck, I swear to fucking god I just wanted a fucking drink.
The rest of my day was just, uneventful really. I went to the square on Magnus again and well, nothing much happened. Everyone was doing their own thing, somehow the talk turned into a full-blown religion discussion thing. Guess it happens sometimes. They were getting pretty into it. Eventually, it all just subsided though. They all got into their own groups again. Making plans, living their lives. Everyone's always busy, they're always doing something with other people. I was talking with Robin, somehow we went from Religion to history, probably cause I was trying to escape the religion conversation and he felt the same.
My mood was shit. It's always shit but, it's a bit more shit.
Then I was invited to fish. I was surprised, just surprised that someone invited me to do anything at all. Almost surprised enough to forget how much of a shitty mood I was in, almost. He's a strange one. The reaper who started the whole religion discussion thing in the first place. Sometimes, what he says can just, confuse me. But I think overall he's a decent person. I was just, confused I suppose. Confused as to why they were hanging out with me at all, I guess.
But, regardless, we fished, we talked, turns out he was concerned for me. I mean, that felt nice, weirdly enough. But it also felt, not nice. Like, on one hand, I appreciated the concern but the more I think about it the worse I feel that he's having to feel concerned about me. I hate that. Eventually, though we just, decided to stop fishing. Fuck I caught a lot of fish, had to visit the butcher after that shit. And well, he was the one who told me to start this damn journal. He was nice.
Weird thing though, when I turned around Dormeho was fucking wrecked. Like I don't even know how it was fine when we got here, it was almost like there was a black beast attack or something. But that'd be absurd. Two guys just fishing in the middle of a black beast attack with fuck all happening to him, just thinking about that seems fucking stupid. So it couldn't have been that. But then again, I did swear that I heard some howling in the distance or something. Maybe it was the wind, maybe it was my imagination. Regardless I left Dormeho, rode on Magnus back to the square and well.
Chiyo, Alex, Atlas, Yoshino, Calie, Binem, and Gwen were all there. Gwen and Chiyo were talking about, something. Honestly, I didn't want to be a third wheel to that, so I just talked with Calie and Binem for, a moment. But well, Binem left pretty quickly too so, I guess I was back to square one. Waiting for shit to happen. Waiting for a conversation I could rope my way into. Just, waiting. Then Matilda showed up, Gwen was pissed, and I just stayed out of that and started to talk to Alex instead. Apparently, he's preparing something for those guys at the Black Swans, I think that's the organization he's involved with, and he decided to show me what he's up to. I'm actually kinda glad that he's fine with showing me stuff now. Maybe he actually trusts me just a little bit. That'd be nice.
I will admit, I was rather impressed with what he had to show me. I'm kinda proud of the guy. He's doing some good work.
After that, I just rode off back to the mages guild, hopped over to Lispool and started working on this fucking thing. I swear to god, this is some anxiety-ridden work. This shit can it in so much god damn anger into these fucking pages but if someone was to find this shit and read it, I swear to fucking god. I'm keeping this in a lock box. Or buying a chain. Or Both. Fuck it I'm doing both I have the cash to burn. Robbers fucking beware, bitches, you're gonna get the best journal security tech whatever my fucking import market has to offer damn it!