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Full Version: [Resolved] A Torn-Up Ransom Notice
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[ The following message would be found pinned to several boards around the Imperial Continent, made so by the occasional less-than-patriotic citizen whom had obviously been paid to do so. On questioning - since they likely would be if caught - they would describe the person who paid them as an armored man wearing a T-visor, a traveler they met upon the road. ]

[Image: Ransom_Note.jpg]

[ This is not an event, it is merely a bit of Antagonist roleplay open to all. It may lead to further roleplay sessions with the larger team, or my death - either which I'm 100% open to, since bad guys are there to be done in by the heroes. ]

[ As a side note, if further motivation is required, the aforementioned 'girl' is, in fact, a very real player! And not a member of our team, either. I have not included their discord here for their own privacy but this came about as a result of entirely random roleplay encounter yesterday, which they have wholeheartedly consented to. ]

[ As ever, my Discord is Jupiter Storm#4324 - please please please don't just wander by the Shrine of Bai Kai without making sure I'm there first because you might be waiting a while. Might be best to post interest here so everybody knows who 'else' is helping out. ]

[ P.S. - The time frame given is in IC days, so it's actually closer to 5 OOC days! ]

A green Haired First Squadder and several On-duty guards have begun tearing down these notices and disposing of them.
Alas, it seemed the guards effort at litter picking was too little too late. Rumour had it that the girl had been safely returned home.