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Phoenix Talon is not a very good skill currently, I think that can honestly change if you just remove the airborne clause from it and allow it to just proc on kicking skills, its already a buff you have to apply with momentum, just making it more of a tool to use when spacing anyways, as the damage will hardly beat out just pumping out a regular kick with the same momentum.

a very simple request that might make the skill more applicable in situations and be worth the skill points.

[Image: TxOKDMn.png]
I've done a Verglas based on bonus damage like Ice Point Greaves with Phoenix Talon. The results was more underwhelming than I expected, due to Phoenix Talon being extremely gimmicky.

I agree with the OP, the airborne requirement needs to go.
I find making it passive and keeping it airborne only a infinitely more attractive proposition, design/fluff wise.

Is there any reason for wanting it done this way? It'd still be a buff you have to reapply for 3M every 3 turns.
DoctorMad post_id=37676 time=1568757237 user_id=1963 Wrote:I find making it passive and keeping it airborne only a infinitely more attractive proposition, design/fluff wise.

Is there any reason for wanting it done this way? It'd still be a buff you have to reapply for 3M every 3 turns.

At ranks 3 and 5 it does gain an additional +1 duration so its not every 3 turns, the buff still has to be applied yes but you're not always gonna be in range to kick a target, 5 round duration is plenty of time to make a bit of use out of it anyways.

If it does become a passive it might just be a "Why not take it" skill, because it'd be free damage so long as you have access to put people airborne, like with Dragon Gale/Point Kick/Korkenzier (Though in Boxer's case its abilities are not kicks.)
I suppose it could just do double damage on airborne enemies, and the current damage on non-airborne.