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Full Version: Reflections And Suggestions on Mirror Knight
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The mirror knight-errant is a conceptually and mechanically interesting boss with a nice gimmick that follows suit. However, the boss falls into a category where it snowballs into a statball with the highest defense and resistance imaginable. Making players have to run Arbalest in order to get any meaningful damage to it. Meanwhile, the Mirror Knight does not have any redeeming qualities when it comes to combat either -- it's just a statball with a basic attack. I've got a few suggestions for this that could be implemented to help reduce the boss's tank factor while trying to avoid tediousness (Though probably some of it is pretty tedious).

Reducing Tank Factor
No big need to CHUNK CHUNK CHUNK into that beefy defense

[list=][*]Broken Mirror Status
  • Upon breaking the Mirror Knight's mirror with physical damage, the mirror knight suffers a permanent stacking combat debuff that reduces DEF and RES for every time the mirror is broken.

Quote:While it isn't a direct change to the Mirror Knight's stats, it will allow sustained fire to be able to put down the Mirror Knight easier than before without having to necessarily rely on a Arbalest if the party does not have that option available. With this nerf, you can also include a decrease to defense and resistance aswell if the starting values are too absurd.

Mirror Summons
Whoa, Deja Vu.

The mirror knight's summons have always been a bit lackluster, and not a real threat to the party as you wail on the helpless mirror knight. These next changes aim to beef up the summon while also giving players more opportunities to damage the boss. This will give the boss much needed repeatability other than seeing your friend's character as a basic attack mob.

This change will give the boss two abilities that replace the current mirror knight summon ability.

[list=][*]Perfect Reflection
  • The mirror knight summons one perfect reflection of a player, this reflection will have three/two random abilities based on the player's main class. This reflection will also have the same weapon type as that player, but not the exact same weapon (I.E a character that uses an axe will have their reflection wield and axe). This reflection will keep the same stats as the current mirror knight summon and have a higher cooldown.

[list=][*]Imperfect Reflection
  • The mirror knight summons two imperfect reflections of a player, having a chance to change and/or alter clothing or colors. This summon will have one random ability as the main class and the same gimmick as described above but with lesser stats. However, killing imperfect reflections will deal unresistable armor piercing akashic damage based on the mirror knight's maximum hit points (5-10%, not sure). This cooldown is shorter than the other summon

Quote:While the summons aren't changed fully, they do pose atleast somewhat of a threat and have a benefit for taking them down. Rather than be some sort of wailing toddler on a man clad in plate armor. The effect on the imperfect summon could also apply to the perfect reflection at a higher value and the imperfect at a lower value for damaging the mirror knight.

I hope these changes are atleast somewhat useful...? Maybe this can breathe some much more life into the ball rather than having it solely rely on stats.