NEUS Projects

Full Version: Campfire / Jack-O-Lantern Lighting [v2.31]
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[Image: Jack-O-Light.PNG]

Okay, so I'm not entirely sure this is a bug - more just an oversight.
The lighting used by campfires and Jack-O-Lanterns is not actually lighting at all, as shown here.
May be a little dark to see, but what it shows is that, while the lantern is emitting an aura...
it does not glow at all.

To reproduce, place down a campfire or a jack-o-lantern and watch as it's glow doesn't actually glow in the lighting system.
This is something I'd really like to see changed in time for Hallow's Eve, just because of how much nicer it would make things look at night.

...Apparently the light also doesn't persist between reboots. Might also be an oversight rather than a bug, but going to put that here too.
This has been corrected.