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Full Version: [Sigroganian Guard] Mustering at the Nameless Shrine
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A small force of roughly twenty guardsmen are seen heading towards the Nameless Shrine, hauling carts with supplies, and tents. A good mixture of seasoned fighters, and capable people for sure, armed with the gear to weather the terrible odds they might face in their new duty. Additionally, for those unaware of the logic behind it, many posters are spread to deter worry, and to bolster morale in the people. it seems to be little else but assuring propaganda, although the troops are certainly real.


[Image: unknown.png]

Under order of the Imperial First Squad, Eiael Aeyes, these brave men, and women are to stand watch in the biggest hotspot of criminal, and dangerous activity in the Empire in recent time, and bravely do so, flying the red-gold banners of the Emperor. Should anything prove too difficult for them to handle, additional reinforcements will be called through signal flares, arriving first from the tangent stationed near the Badlands Arena, and subsequently from Fort Arjav in much bigger numbers.

The primary goal of these valiant souls is to squash the terrorists, and their abominations that decide to make use of the normally unguarded, sacred place. No more, however. The shrine, and its maidens will no longer need fear the dark wings looming in the distance, for the Imperial Dawn has come to shed light upon those whom dare tread the lands with ruin in mind.

Glory to the Empire.