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Time for one of my more serious threads.

to start ill outright admit this idea is kinda screwed by crafting taxes (which are and always will be unnecessary) 

For one I think cooking should be #1 done from scratch again #2 have tiers of quality like alchemists do (also i dont think this needs to be said but making more of what your crafting when your higher level should be a thing)

Let's start with an example.

Flour + Sugar + Egg = Cake layer. 

Two Cake Layers = Double Decker Cake

4x fruit = Jam of that fruit type

Egg + Sugar = custard

Custard + Jam = (Jam Type) Frosting 

Frosting + double cake = Frosted Cake (or wedding cake) 

Alot of work for the end product but in addition to regen in the high 20's for hp and 40's for fp. (Lets face it food regen is GOOD but not really enticing on it's own) but gives a big in battle buff much like sushi or pizza do. For an example Eating some frosted cake gives you +inititive +cel

also add sweet tooth as a trait i know ive said this before. also additional traits for sushi and pizza traits.