NEUS Projects

Full Version: Showing donation items owned on all characters
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When you have enough characters, managing donation items becomes quite a pain. For instance, you might want to transfer asagos or a mirror to a new character you made. But the problem then arrives of having multiple keys and multiple characters, and checking through their inventory one by one can be really time-consuming. Sometimes items just get forgotten somewhere as well. This issue becomes even more significant when you have multiple accounts linked to patreon and you get patrions on multiple different characters every month! Just finding all your currency to make a simple purchase can become quite annoying.

I'd like to suggest a simple verb command or maybe a Matsuri dialog option that lets you see all donation items on your key. It would show which characters have asagos, patrions, and donation items, so you can easily find them.

Even better would be the ability to recall items to your global bank remotely but I doubt that's really worth the dev time. I just hope this issue gets some sort of alleviation because whales in this game are certainly faced with an issue of organization, especially people with many keys and characters (like me!).