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Full Version: [v2.62c] Gourmet'nt
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Gourmet does not seem to be increasing the FP regeneration (and probably HP regeneration) of food buffs.

This was observed by recovering only 67 FP whilst missing far more than that, with a total of 451 FP, using Brain Food (15/15 HP/FP regen) which is effected by Gourmet so it should be 20/20 HP/FP regen.

15% of 450 is 67.5.

20% of 450 is 90.

I should be recovering 90 FP if Gourmet boosted the FP regen from 15 to 20.

Steps to replicate:

0. buy Gourmet.

1. Use any food item that can be affected by Gourmet (total HP/FP regen of 30).

2. Complete a battle with less than the HP/FP regen of the food buff + 5% in HP/FP.

3. Observe the amounts restored. In the case of Brain Food, 20% HP/FP should be restored but currently only 15% is.
This has been corrected in v2.63.