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Lunar Berserkism - Printable Version

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Lunar Berserkism - Snake - 12-03-2016

Can the Charm part be swapped with 'Guard' that is always active as long as Lunar Lunatism is on? (With the LV equal to Scaled SAN, capping at 55%; Still gives the full effects of Guard, such as Evade decreased by the same LV.)

I personally think the Charm part fails to accomplish whatever Lunatism intended to show for us. It's supposed to be a berserking Vampire, not a uh... Tsundere that acts angry and ends up... cute?

Also, I'm still debating if Guard Break should apply to it or not. That, I will need other's opinions about it. So help me, doods!

Re: Lunar Berserkism - Autumn - 12-03-2016

On the other hand I think that it permanently applying a guard would just not be as good as the charm, the charm requires a status effect check to even take place, and for you to be facing your opponent, it's just more balanced this way than a permanent guard.

Also, charms from an IC perspective are not exactly acting cutesy or whatever(But they can be maybe), charms are mostly types of enchants that coax a target near the vampire and into a false sense of ease around them.

I think ICly and Mechanically speaking it is very fitting.

Re: Lunar Berserkism - Soapy - 12-03-2016

Vampirism and seduction going together like peanut butter and jelly dates all the way back to Dracula, and may even be older than that.

Manipulation is the name of the game. It's perfectly fitting the way it is.

Re: Lunar Berserkism - Exxy - 12-03-2016

We could just take an axe to Vampire's Charm [strike]and Hesitation[/strike] by adding a /2 to [strike]them[/strike] it. *is shot* :roll:

It would make it less game-breaking and leave it at slightly-overbearing-but-not-stupid-broken.

EDIT: But yes, I still agree that Charm is 100% unfitting (and that I've argued this since it was a thing). I rather deal with a 10-20% Perma-Guard (until LL is up) than deal with a High Level Charm (although I think we can come to a better conclusion/compromise).

Re: Lunar Berserkism - Rendar - 12-03-2016

"Charm" effects can be different all around.

It may not be you dropping your guard. It may be you terrified of them. Your offense faltering as you scramble to try and attack through their horrifying, yet graceful, composure.

The charm could stand to be a bit weaker, but overall it's very fitting with Vampires, as compared to perma-guard.

Re: Lunar Berserkism - Lolzytripd - 12-03-2016

Look that interpretation of charm is fine in a one on one encounter with a vampire.
But the second its multiple people against a vampire it turns into a game of beating each other because you both love vampire chan.

Re: Lunar Berserkism - Exxy - 12-05-2016

Things you deal with concerning Vampires built around Lunar Looneytism/High SAN, keep in mind they have -all- of these as early as the start of battle:

-Lv. 51 Hesitation and Lv. 51 Charm (in the instance I fought one). You have to deal with both of these at the same time, along with a high FP regen they receive during Lunar Lunatism.
-They typically have somewhere between 170 and 180 Status Infliction (in the instance of me fighting one, they rarely failed to land the Infliction against a 40 SAN Lupine (90 Resist) w/ the extra 10 you can pick up from a Trait).
-A high Status Resist which means you're unlikely to land a Status Effect on them unless you're also a Looneypire.

A few examples of what you can expect against a Lunar Lunatism Vampire that combos Hexer:

[Image: 8e3dd87e6ece461c8d91cf9e0ec37b98.png]

[Image: e2253704a27549a794fc4c6583e3d875.png]

[Image: aed2ee37b4094728a868773fda3e96b3.png]

[Image: cb7f678c69a64e93a41b9a5f99664db8.png]

Something needs to be rebalanced or shifted for them to be brought down to the level of the other Races. You're not going to win without pulling a out a miracle in an uphill battle unless you're using equally broken things, perform things that are considered cheesing or the Vampire's PC takes pity on you.

Re: Lunar Berserkism - Snake - 12-05-2016

Hexer makes everything absurd when paired with vampires, indeed. I could easily debuff your Status Resistance with Black Bubble to zero, while having almost 200 Status Infliction myself.
And y'all who like Charm just wants it because it gives you the chance to use an enemy as a shield. Bunch of powergamers. ):V

Anyway, back on 'my' OP's topic. I still dislike the way Charm works on the skill, and the reason it is in such skill. It feels the same as calling Haunting a 'Blink that can't be silenced', there's nothing special about it or why it exists there. Sure, Vampires are manipulative, but can people be manipulative while blind in rage or out of their mind?

So like, can we have the Charm part to be a new Vampire racial skill then? Just remove it from Lunar Lunatism and make it a skill with a small nerf on scalings.

While the Charm buff is active:
- Luck-based chance to inflict Charm LV (15 + SAN/2)% if the enemy is looking at you.
- Damages 1 (+ 1 per 25 Scaled SAN)% of their max FP. While the buff is active.
- Duration of the buff is 2 (+ 1 per 20 scaled SAN) rounds.
- 6 round cooldown.

Then change Lunar Lunatism to:
- Reduce all damage taken from all sources by (20 + SAN)%. Increases Light weakness by half of that.
- Still inflicts Fear on-hit, and Hesitation if being damaged, so this part is untouched.
- Recovers 1 (+ 1 per 25 Scaled SAN)% of their max HP. While the buff is active.
- The duration of the buff is 3 (+ 1 per 20 scaled SAN).
- 8 round cooldown.

And obviously, if the Vampire is under Lunar Lunatism, they can't use the Charm spell and vice-versa, or else this all wouldn't make any sense.

As always, I can provide icons if needed.

Re: Lunar Berserkism - Neus - 12-05-2016

Vampires might need an adjustment as well but Hexer's infliction bonuses seem pretty overtuned.

Re: Lunar Berserkism - Autumn - 12-05-2016

Hexer's status infliction rates seem a little more than fine to me, a good build with SAN is able to resist status effects sometimes and a build with both FAI and SAN can always resist status effects, for reference my elf currently has 250 status RES and can't really be inflicted very often or even at all.