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Strength needs a buff. - Printable Version

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Strength needs a buff. - Snake - 03-04-2017

Strength is the most unappealing stat in the game, can it get buffed to counterpart GUI in the Critical Damage and counterpart FAI for max HP so it becomes a bit more worth to be taken?

+1 Fire ATK per 1.
+1 Max Battle Weight per 1.
+1 Max Encumberance per 1.
+3 max HP per 1.
+0.5% Critical Damage per 1.

Re: Strength needs a buff. - Autumn - 03-04-2017

Instead of critical damage, how about armor/protection piercing? That'd help against the tank problem too.

Re: Strength needs a buff. - MegaBlues - 03-04-2017

I think that .25 DR Pierce per would be good in place of critical damage. I also agree with everything else.

Re: Strength needs a buff. - Snake - 03-04-2017

DEF/RES penetration? Why not.

Re: Strength needs a buff. - Grandpa - 03-04-2017

I'd be down for HP and defense penetration.

Re: Strength needs a buff. - Trexmaster - 03-04-2017

As long as the HP gained via Sanguine Crest is reflected out of combat, sure. Considering that was adjusted for both FP and BW already.

I'd be down for what was suggested.

Re: Strength needs a buff. - Lolzytripd - 03-04-2017

0.5% phys def pen per 1.

Armor pen is bad and feels bad, its just +damage, Actual % pen has a chance to shine with big hits vs tanks.

Re: Strength needs a buff. - MegaBlues - 03-04-2017

I was actually thinking defense -and- resistance penetration. There's no reason to keep magic-users from using Strength too, and it could be thought of as Tenacity, if anything.

Re: Strength needs a buff. - Autumn - 03-05-2017

"Lolzytripd" Wrote:0.5% phys def pen per 1.

Change this to 1% phys DEF pen per 4 STR and it's fine, don't need half of someone's STR going directly against DEF, that'd erase tanks and anyone else who isn't a tank by essentially dealing true damage to people, STR doesn't need to be as bad as Leathality after all.

with 1% per 4 it'd essentially be like, 15% DEF pen at 60 scaled STR, which is relatively very high, and requires heavy stat and item investment, 10% would be the average and that'd be more than fine.

Re: Strength needs a buff. - Lolzytripd - 03-05-2017

a 1:4 ratio of str vs Def isn't that good.

at 60 scaled def you have 60% DR (+ bonuses from other sources)
with 60 scaled str it would bring it down to 45%(+ bonuses)

which still makes tanking a valid strategy since its quite easy to with 45% to reduce damage by a landslide against str builds.

1:2 def vs str ratio

with this at 60 scaled str anyone below 30 scaled def would get nulled out, however someone who full invests equally as the Str guy will have 30% dr (+bonuses).

the thing is having high damage reduction via stats doesn't lock you out of strong options to fortify those bases (ghost/monk/bk/boxer/gunner)

This means Strength builds would be able to punish all rounders who put 30-40 in all stats, atleast before they deathknight/vampire and become gods.