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Upgrade Suggestion: Spell Power Items - Printable Version

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Upgrade Suggestion: Spell Power Items - Eldecrok - 08-02-2018

(Edit: Section put in wrong spot)

Dear Everyone in SL2,

In Ingredients attachement, Everything except the Spirit Chain, and the addition of Prism Gem is in need of a boost. +2 Damage to an attack is not worth the time and effort it takes to create the Prism Gem.

In Prism Gem, I give evidence that the Prism Gem, which states:
Quote:+2 Power to Huggessoan Spells
+2 Power to Mercalan Spells
+2 Power to Isespian Spells
+2 Power to Nerifian Spells
+2 Power to Sylphid Spells
+2 Power to Aquarian Spells

… Only gives a boost of 2 points of damage...

The item swapped out was a Heron Feather, which does not give stats. Thus, the Net Benefit of a Prism Gem, is a guarenteed two damage per attack.

Within 20 rounds, the damage that is given out on a Miu attack is only +40. No matter if you're low level, or maxed out, +2 to spells is over classed by a great many items for mages, HMC, Heron Feather, and Various ATK items.

Consider a possible 5-10% Uprgade, or perhaps even a flat +10 Damage? I dunno.

Mr. "Too Much Time Wasted"

Re: Upgrade Suggestion: Spell Power Items - Autumn - 08-02-2018

Thats because Prism Gem is a relic from GR that was never updated since its creation I imagine, giving it +10 flat damage seems rather boring and might be an issue with multi hit spells like Exgalfa (which also applies to CM'd Exgalfa), I'd rather make the thing give +3 or even +5 to all elemental atk to sort of benefit the rare and elusive 'every-mage' that is so so hard to stat for.

Re: Upgrade Suggestion: Spell Power Items - Noxid - 08-03-2018

There are plenty of items and skills like this that need updating to GR scaling. Should probably make a list some time...

Re: Upgrade Suggestion: Spell Power Items - Raigen.Convict - 08-03-2018

B l u e P o t i o n .

Re: Upgrade Suggestion: Spell Power Items - Yark - 09-02-2018

Bumping this. Another item that suffers from this mechanic is Overgrown Staff. It's a 10* that comes from a boss, so it's exceptionally rare... However, the power that it adds to nature spells is simply flat damage. If you had six flowers within range, then your Ryemei that would have otherwise hit for 800 damage will now hit for 806 damage.


Maybe consider converting all of these items to percentages instead? So from OP's example, that item would give +2% damage to all of those spell types, instead of +2 total damage. Also with regard to Overgrown Staff in particular, consider adding either Aquarian or Isespian (or both) to the effect in addition to Nature. When I look at Alurane, lightning is not exactly the first thing that comes to mind.

Re: Upgrade Suggestion: Spell Power Items - Lolzytripd - 09-02-2018

yarik the damage it would add to that ryemei would be before chargemind or crit bonuses.

Re: Upgrade Suggestion: Spell Power Items - Autumn - 09-02-2018

Also keep in mind that plants also count bush tiles, vines, flowers, nests and all that jazz, I've shown this off with a doriad ranger who uses talvyd with entangle trap, it can add up quickly because vines, bushes and flowers can all stack onto eachother, allowing you to get up to +40 power on a ryemei under perfect conditions, and QUITE quickly, which adds up before CM or Crit bonuses as Lolzy pointed out, So that 40 damage quickly multiplies into 100 from CM, and likely about 150 from crit damage, as well as anything else like bloody palms for an extra 1.12 damage bonus, or 1.17 if you're going far enough, likely adding up to about 168-175 extra damage on a Ryemei, which is no small number.

It also adds great consistent damage otherwise, you just have to keep in mind that flowers arent the only plant to count for the overgrown staff's effect, try experimenting.

Re: Upgrade Suggestion: Spell Power Items - Yark - 09-02-2018

Thanks for mentioning Bloody Palms, which is effectively just +24% damage (or +12% if you're too incompetent to deal mixed damage), extremely easy to set up, works for all sources of damage, and comes from a normal monsters meaning that it can be farmed easily. With the commonality of things like Cyclone Spear in PvP, it is also very easy to knock away plants. Bloody Palms is just outright superior to Overgrown Staff by a wide margin, and this should not be the case.

There is no scenario in which any reasonable person would consider using Overgrown Staff instead of Bloody Palms.

As an aside, Spoops, your posts are borderline unreadable with the amount of comma splicing that you do. Stop it.

Re: Upgrade Suggestion: Spell Power Items - Fern - 09-02-2018

Unnecessary aggression aside, I'd be up for Prism Gem giving +5 Elemental ATK to all. Currently it doesn't feel like it's really worth the effort it takes to make it.

I think the other +Spell Power accessories are fine, considering they're pretty much newbie player items.

Re: Upgrade Suggestion: Spell Power Items - Autumn - 09-02-2018

"Yark" Wrote:Thanks for mentioning Bloody Palms, which is effectively just +24% damage (or +12% if you're too incompetent to deal mixed damage), extremely easy to set up, works for all sources of damage, and comes from a normal monsters meaning that it can be farmed easily. With the commonality of things like Cyclone Spear in PvP, it is also very easy to knock away plants. Bloody Palms is just outright superior to Overgrown Staff by a wide margin, and this should not be the case.

There is no scenario in which any reasonable person would consider using Overgrown Staff instead of Bloody Palms.

Sounds like a problem with Bloody Palms to me, also keep in mind Claret call is a flat 12 damage and not 12% more physical damage, also even if you were correct there, dealing 12% more physical and magical damage does not add up to +24% damage, math doesn't really work like that.

Also I was too careless to realize that you can't cast spells without a tome, meaning you can't pair up Overgrown staff and bloody palms without being horribly inefficient. Bloody palms become moot, thankfully I provided the example before it anyways. (Though Bloody Palms was being used as an example, other modifiers can count too, like 1v1, Combination fighter, splash, etc.)