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Opinions on new damage numbers - Printable Version

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Opinions on new damage numbers - ValkyrieSkies - 03-05-2019

I voiced my opinion on the new damage number display as negative when we were given the preview of how they'd look, and now that they're in the game I find that they're even worse and more confusing than the past ever was; but that's all just my opinion, so I wanna hear what everyone else's opinions on the new style is. Vote in the poll up above and drop more specific feedback below with posts.

In my own case, I find that when multiple instances of damage pop up over each other it becomes very difficult to actually read what they are and the element damage icons are bulky and obstructive, while the old numbers were nice because they cleanly just showed the total damage dealt as it was inflicted with the same increasing number and expressed the element via a nice clean colour.

Re: Opinions on new damage numbers - Shujin - 03-05-2019

The issue I have with it mostly, is that it's not as clear as it probably intends to be. 2 different type attacks are very common and if both pop up you do not really read it. The worst I have seen is a Quickdraw Mg/Evoker who did like 4 different damage instances per shot on my Kensei. The screen was flooded with information about status effects and boxes that just looked super clunky. I like it on the screen to be small and compact, the into panel is what you look at if you wanna know details.

Also, which is probably more of an bug, if you attack someone who has the enchantment aura effect the aura color spreads over six tiles (as already reported by Spo)

Re: Opinions on new damage numbers - Argonus - 03-05-2019

When it comes to multiple damage types at once it's definately an issue. It does have some good things though, I do like the instant feedback when I crit.

I think a better solution would be to have them cascade on each other rather than overlap, with a small staggered delay between each one so we get a chance to see them.

Re: Opinions on new damage numbers - Fern - 03-05-2019

Even though I liked seeing my damage stack in one big number, I'll have to say I prefer the current one. It seems to be much easier on the server with things such as Lead Storm or multiple damage instances taking place at once, compared to the way it previously displayed.

I would not be against them not overlapping, though.

Re: Opinions on new damage numbers - Snake - 03-06-2019

I think an easy solution for this would be having both the old one and this one at the same time, you know. One will stack up the damage number, and the other will show small instances of what is damaging or not.

But truth be told, the old one could still do the current one's 'clarity' functionality by simply having small animations attributed to it, like it tends to be in games like Final Fantasy. When you score critical hits or hit an elemental weakness, the numbers grow in size and shake slightly while "!!" appears next to the amount. And when it's resisted, the font is smaller.

There could be better and more comprehensive ways to have a damage display, but I'm fully with the community there. Clarity over style, when the term is quicc-mafs.

Re: Opinions on new damage numbers - K Peculier - 03-07-2019

I agree with the fox above, we just want to see big numbers but the new one is okay.

Re: Opinions on new damage numbers - GSM - 03-24-2019

An overlap as mentioned above sounds fine. I like the new numbers, but with how they stack up, two instances of damage doing 120 and 90 damage makes it seem like you just suddenly pulled out 900 damage out of nowhere.

I don't really mind either or.

Re: Opinions on new damage numbers - Senna - 03-24-2019

That number stack that confuses the hell out of me. At first, I thought I was tripping hard until GSM's post so I ain't alone. In all honestly, it needs adjustment. I know what Dev was going for but it needs a little more work.

Re: Opinions on new damage numbers - Snake - 03-24-2019

Like I said before, what's really keeping us from having both the old and the new working at the same time? (One to show single damage instance live, other to show the total done.)

Re: Opinions on new damage numbers - WaifuApple - 03-26-2019

Seeing in them in action, I can't really say I like them very much. I did really enjoy the more dynamic version, with the numbers going up with each instance of damage done within a rapid period. The box that pops up at the side just feels kinda ugly, especially with transparency between the box and the icon within it.

I would enjoy something like the "Smaller numbers for resistance, bigger numbers and !!! for weak, alongside the color of the numbers changing to blue for red for weak, something else for resisted." It would also be nice if the reverse of damage was calculated in instances where Mercala is used (but not passive turn-based healing)