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Something for Villains - Printable Version

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Re: Something for Villains - Chaos - 07-05-2018

Giving certain characters higher level caps than others just because they are villains makes no sense and will only result in drama. Not to mention that a group of these 'boosted' villains will become absolutely unstoppable unless a GM steps in with a strong enough event character to stop them.

It's plausible to have an event tool that places a 'temporary build' on another character, as fern put it, which will make things much more fair and allow GMs to ensure that they aren't just trying to kill characters they don't like, or something like that.

But yet again, that will depend on whether or not Dev gets around to making more event tools.

Re: Something for Villains - WaifuApple - 07-05-2018

Well, I guess I'll hope for event tools, then. I still have no idea what a "temporary build" would do to help, though, beyond meaning we don't have to grind our villains into the build, unless it has some bonus to it that I just am not seeing that will help it make any difference.

Re: Something for Villains - Fern - 07-05-2018

I imagine it being like a GM setting up their own event character, except they make the build and apply it to someone else for X amount of time.

They're also reasonable people, so I'm pretty sure it wouldn't get out of hand so easily.

Re: Something for Villains - WaifuApple - 07-05-2018

Hmm. Interesting. Well, if it were like a GM setting up their own event character, it'd be a good concept. I guess I'll just have to support new event tools, for now, then.

Re: Something for Villains - Sawrock - 07-07-2018

I'd prefer if villainry has more room to grow. The world is controlled by law with the sort-of exception of Law's End, which I used to believe had the advantage of being hidden, but it doesn't (which is fair enough).

This is my opinion, and I'm biased due to my previous sandbox roleplay experience, but the best "events" and villains are the ones who grow organically within a game, and they aren't brought out for the sake of entertaining the "hero" section of the population (via events or boosts or otherwise).

The best way to do this is do give them achievable goals that they can accomplish through their own means; relying on GMs to create big-stakes roleplay not only puts unneeded (not necessarily unwanted) pressure on GMs, but to me, as a former GM and as a former host of an event (the first Attack on Cellsvich), relying on GMs to work with you to create roleplay feels artificial.

This might not be the best solution for this, but having another area of the world (perhaps a recently unshrouded Dark Zone?) become a lawless land for villains to go to, contest, and grow, was the first solution on my mind.

Re: Something for Villains - WaifuApple - 07-07-2018

I don't know how much that would be used. And, well, there is Law's End, but I don't know how much attention that gets, either.

Re: Something for Villains - Snake - 07-07-2018

More like... Law's End, a little city in the middle of nowhere, is too much a little place with almost no features for this to become a possibility. We need a whole continent where you make your own laws. A place with no guards, and chaos reigning. (Heh.)

Alstalsia is the only place with potential to be 'lawless', such as the Zerans not caring about human's business unless they're trying to cause shit that would affect Zerans or their city. So they would be super bias against anything but Zerans, making them one hell of a corrupted society, open to make villainy blossom a little more, since Sigrogana suffocates it so much with their overly competent guards. This feels like something Chaos can do?

And of course, still agreeing with Event Tools for Players. Please tweak it and make it usable for normal players, and only given/reclaimed by GMs. You can make it related to an object, probably a book, that can be used indefinitely, and holds the options here and there.

Re: Something for Villains - WaifuApple - 07-07-2018

It now concerns me that the GM leading the guards is called "Chaos"

The guards are led by chaos
some villains depend on chaos figuratively and literally
chaos is the true victor

Also yes! I would love event tools for players. Like if they were just specific to houses, maybe, so things couldn't go crazy in Cellsvich square at some point

Re: Something for Villains - Sawrock - 07-08-2018

"WaifuApple" Wrote:I don't know how much that would be used. And, well, there is Law's End, but I don't know how much attention that gets, either.

Law's End doesn't get used that much due to the aforementioned problem of villains not having any room to grow/space outside of Law's End, thus leading to less opportunities for villains to roleplay, which means less villains are made, which means there's less villain roleplay. It's a vicious cycle.

"Snake" Wrote:We need a whole continent where you make your own laws. A place with no guards, and chaos reigning. (Heh.)

I mentioned that in my post. Alstalsia itself wouldn't be a good location, however, due to law still reigning, in addition to the fact that Guard Forces can be made for other continents (see: Oniga).

Re: Something for Villains - WaifuApple - 07-09-2018

I don't imagine we'd get anything official... Well, not for a long time anyway. But with a good house builder and a good bit of assistance, we could maybe make a house a good location. It would maybe require a few extra floors, in order to be expansive as such, but would be great.