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Racial Suggestions - Printable Version

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Re: Racial Suggestions - Rendar - 01-31-2015

Aposemagika is an invocation that summons a butterfly a turn for free, gets rid of the momentum investment and the rather hefty FP investment of summoning the butterflies. It also increases your spell power, which can be rather nifty. Sure your invocation can be broken, but as we all know about invocations. They almost never, ever, break. Especially against a papilion who is a mage, as you have stated that they 'almost all are' which is a very big lie, but I'll not bring much attention to that. You would have to do so much damage in 1 hit to break an invocation it's more likely you'll kill them instantly than actually break it. Moving on...

I'd suggest lowering the FP cost to summon one down to 2 or 3 FP from 10. Keep them with an upkeep of 1 FP per. Since 'all papilions' get 2 FP regen for free from being a 'mage' and having Capacity. That lets you keep out 2 at once without any FP drain. Also are you really, really whining over a 1 FP drain on a papilion who 'has 300+ FP' from being a mage? That's kind of pathetic. If you're a "MELEE PAPILION", the rare and endangered species that you so claim them to be, these butterflies great. Forcing people to choose between debilitating status effects or not riposting your melee attacks. I don't know which to choose.

Status immunities aren't my problem since a papilion should always be capable of charming people. Not to mention that it is the most utterly debilitating status effect in the game.

Glykin's null poison
Kaelen's null Blind
Shaitan's null fear ( And hesitation if you inflict it ).

Nothing nulls charm.

Thing's I'd like to see.

Invite Insanity FP drop to 2 with an upkeep of 1.

Edit: Just because liches can have 80 WIL, doesn't mean they all do. Elves can get the same ( i think ) if they try-hard. I have a doriad with 77 base will, I almost got 80. Elves can still be better. Also I don't know about you but killing a Lich healer is about 10x easier than killing an Elf healer.

Re: Racial Suggestions - Ryu-Kazuki - 01-31-2015

Can you at least be less hostile with your argument? Thanks. I mean holy shit someone disagrees, it's the end of the world.

It'd be easier for melee to upkeep because on top of they can also get capacity (I usually do on my melees because why not and I'm left with so much TP at lv 60), unlike mages who have to spend massive amounts of FP in order to inflict damage. Mages don't normally get utilities like melee does, and if they do, it costs FP. Melee can still attack with their weapon, mages sure can too, but them tomes usually have shit accuracy, or they have a shitton of BW with no STR to compensate like melee does. So it'd benefit the melee Papilions more than the magic ones if the change went into effect.

Charm is easily mitigated by level, which sure doesn't mean a lot when it comes to 60 vs 60, but only lasts until you attack them next, and be it as little damage as it may, still breaks the status. It's still not a guaranteed status out of the five, it still has a chance to do nothing at all due to the new status infliction rate, and considering that, why should I waste 6M, 20 + 10 (or with the change 22) FP for useless little ally that breaks ice tiles (even the ones I inflict), can be killed easily and has a chance to do nothing, meaning it's wasted FP (yes I won't call it wasted M because it's only 1 and nothing else costs 1M besides Shukuchi and Silent Prayer), may inflict the wrong status or one that gets immunized. So instead, I have to rely on Aposemagika for free ones, which still cost 1 FP per, and at the 6th round makes 6 butterflies, even with capacity is 4 FP spent per turn that the enemy can ignore, attack me, and the butterflies dispel once I'm dead.

Now, let's say I'm a melee Papilion. I choose not to get Invocation talent because I feel like it's not worthless, but one day I may want to use Aposemagika for free butterflies. Well oh shit, I just took enough damage from a normal attack to break my invocation and I spent that M for nothing, making me a sitting duck. That can happen. Yeah I can spend 5 TP on getting the talent, but it still makes me a sitting duck for a turn and on top of that, makes me burn 5 TP that might be used elsewhere (depending on player preference) just to use my racial ability that other races can use very simply with little to no penalties (even after the mentioned changes).

Welcome to being the laughing stock of the race game.

As for Elves? Since people like to argue skill points, slot, and item slots so much. Think about all the sacrifices an Elf has to make to match up to a Lich. We're talking about a natural racial ability, not something you should have to make a chore to remind people it's something that's part of your race. I don't see why Elves should have to go out of their way so badly just to make it look like their ability still exists.

Also, comparing base WIL stats. Elves can only get 69 base WIL, Zerans can easily match if not beat that with their 105% WIL growth. It's actually sacrificial for an Elf to get 80 WIL.

Re: Racial Suggestions - Rendar - 01-31-2015

Elves can't get 105%, as I just read. Weird.

Anyways, The papilion butterflies cost 2 FP to summon, compared to the 10 FP before. With an upkeep of 1, it means that to reach the same level as before, you'd have to keep one butterfly out for... 8-9 rounds. So that really shouldn't be an issue with any of arguement since by technicality it's a buff.

I could see Elves getting maybe triple on spell power for healing spells. Considering the only two in the game are... Graft and Phoenix. +12 turns into 36, if you want the FP cost upped. Which makes it worth it, sort of, as an elf. and Phoenix would get 14*3=42 extra power, but still using half WIL....

Actually, how about just doubling the spell power and making it cost half?

Re: Racial Suggestions - Ryu-Kazuki - 02-01-2015

Doubling (or even 1.5x) after calculation healing spell power and making it cost 75% doesn't sound too OP. If that sounds more reasonable.

Re: Racial Suggestions - Rendar - 02-01-2015

Doubling the base spell power and halving the cost of healing spells works just fine.

1.5x after calculation would be kind of ridiculous. (WIL+Pwr+TomePwr)*1.5 heals for... a lot. To much in fact.

I'm going to provide some stats.

70 WIL, 20 power tome, Rank 1 graft.

70+20+2=92*1.5=138 HP for a heal.

for what I suggest, just change it so that their healing spells cost half and still get their current benefit.

70 WIL, 20 power tome, Rank 5 Graft.

70+20+24=114 total and costs skill points. That's pretty balanced to me.

Re: Racial Suggestions - Ryu-Kazuki - 02-01-2015

Wasn't too sure how the formula calculated, but I can see how it makes more sense.

Re: Racial Suggestions - Chaos - 02-02-2015

-There could be a two-digit limit on how many butterflies are around, but an upkeep cost? make their stats worth something and then we'll talk.
-You're still going straight into their little butterfly aura thing, hit or miss; why should you somehow not go in if you whiff? It sounds like an unnecessary nerf to an already-struggling invocation.

-I think Black Rend could just use an FP reduction. trying to make the scale off level will turn it into a killer, and throwing in Fear is too much overkill (and a guaranteed Hexer combo)
-....There is nothing right with this Dark Claw suggestion. Giving +12 to practically every melee weapon is ridiculous; Backstabbing builds will achieve even more ridiculous supercrits, to name an obvious situation. Why should guns be given the short end on durability? There's no bowstring to cleave or any pages to rip up; a gun is never that fragile. Believe it or not, the damage bonus applying to guns was actually justified; Shaitan's horrendous WIL growth makes it very hard to get any good use out of Arcane Gun's WIL-based damage bonus. Really, this skill is far better off as it is right now.

-Liches are supposed to be the ultimate glass cannons. If you were looking for something survivable, you should've never looked at this race to begin with. That being said, just splitting damage to FP doesn't really suit the Lich here; you'd be better off putting that skill in a future Class.

-....How in the world is seeing the 'dice results' metagaming? If it was that secretive, it wouldn't have shown up on the Redtail to begin with. However, with the ability to change your dice to something that wouldn't bother you at minimum roll, I think this kind of ability shouldn't be happening.

Re: Racial Suggestions - Ryu-Kazuki - 02-02-2015

After doing some more calcs and playing around with the new status formula, I wanted to point out how worse Invite Insanity + Aposemagika would be, even with a 2 FP cost for Butterflies.

[Image: 6e018ff2f57624d0c24e1e21affbf726.png]

Seirina's current build. Evo/Hex.

49 + (68/2 = 34) + 33 + Payback (10% without the cursed weapon) = 126% Status Infliction. That's great for a WIL Based Mage, and of course Magic Gunners.

[Image: 92928d8d479a19b76129424912572371.png]

Maikito's Rock's build. MG/Evo.

59 + (63/2 = 31.5 rounded down to 31) + 40 = 130%.

[Image: cItkFaJ.png]

Ignatius' Monte's Build. MG/Eng.

71 + (44/2 = 22) + 36 = 129%.


[Image: y8hs1dE.png]

Jesusmod's Virgil's Build. MG/Hex.

19 + 38 + No Mods = 57% Resistance.

Seirina vs Virgil, result, 69% chance.

Rock vs Virgil, result, 73% chance.

Monte vs Virgil, result, 72% chance.

Don't misunderstand, I'm not complaining about the chance, that's pretty decent odds, although that's against someone with moderate amounts of RES and LUC, with no items / skills / traits that go against status infliction. Granted, these are all WIL based Papilions.

Let's see how that goes on a Melee Papilion. I haven't been able to find anyone who plays them, so I'll use the GC as an example of average stats a Melee Papilion can get with a STR/SKI build.

[Image: 3c4fd62be6174668288dbbd41058f086.png]

So taking SKI, WIL, and LUC into account.

60 Levels with a 30% chance, 60 x .3 = 18 WIL. Plus bonus 6 = 24 WIL.

60 Levels with a 75% chance, 60 x .75 = 45 SKI. Plus bonus 8 = 53 SKI.

60 Levels with a 55% chance, 60 x .55 = 33 LUC. Plus bonus 5 = 38 LUC.

53 + (24/2 = 12) + 38 = 103%.

Vs 57% = 46% chance to inflict statuses as a Melee Papilion.

Keep in mind, this is without any form of resistance bonuses, and RES and LUC can both get higher on characters.

Now, Butterflies only give 5 statuses, so it's a 1 in 5 chance to get the status you want which is 20%. This is after your chance to inflict a status, which is pretty much the flip of a coin. Even less if the enemy did have status resistances.

3 of the statuses can be immunized.

1 is affected by level and only currently works in PvP.

2 can be cured by LBs.

3 of them can be immunized through items.

3 can be immunized through skills.

The most they last is 2 - 3 rounds.

Their max level is 3.

These statuses are very weak, and easily mitigated.

Butterflies only activate if they are dispelled in melee range. Options to avoid that.
  • Stay away from them.
  • Unequip Riposte before fighting a Papilion.
  • Don't attack them.
  • Focus on the Papilion and they will dispel on their own.

With that being said, dropping the cost to 2 FP is beneficial (not mentioning the limit, because the limit on ho many that can be summoned isn't so much of a big deal) for a WIL based Papilion, but with a 1 FP upkeep for something that has 1 in every stat, may not inflict a status, can easily be avoided, really makes it a nuisance for Mage Papilions, or all, especially ones with no FP regen because of the FP focus you're keeping on due to your skills / spells.

Now, Aposemagika alleviates this, yes. But here are the problems with Aposemagika, especially after the change.
  • It costs 6M, which leaves someone as a sitting duck for a very miniscule ability. Not worth one turn of leaving yourself open to attack.
  • 12 SP is useless to anyone who's not a Mage.
  • The Pollen's infliction rate is the same as your chance to inflict, so whether they hit you or not, it can still not activate. And then there's the status mitigation again.
  • Butterflies can actually fuck you over once it ends because of the upkeep cost and how it bypasses the limit (so say you have 10, that's 10 FP a turn, and to dispel them on your own it costs 1M and even more FP), but even with 6 out, it still costs 4 FP a turn with Capacity's regen.

Now to add onto this, melee or people who don't commonly use Invocations, aren't going to normally get the talent, especially for a measly little butterfly storm. So as a melee Papilion with 24 WIL, the formula would be, DMG (which a lot of people can easily get over 100 damage these days with normal attacks) - WIL (24) = % to break the invocation. Let's say, hypothetically, 100 dmg, with a crit. 100 - 24 = 76% chance to break the invocation. So as a melee Papilion, you just wasted 1 full turn, and 20 FP to sit there and look like an idiot with fairy wings. The only way they can protect that, is to sacrifice talent points in order to protect a skill they probably won't even use because it barely benefits them.

Due to the status update, the chances of these racials being problems have dropped a good bit, even more so if you actually have one or two status reduction items.

The limit on how many is fine to me, I don't personally care when it comes to that. They may already be currently FP extensive, but I'd rather keep it at 10 FP than 2 FP and a 1 turn upkeep when they already barely do anything. Maybe if they had higher priority than the caster and attracted monsters and you could select their targets? Sure. PvE gets a bonus that way.

As for Aposamagika? I'd not accept the change, as Chaos and I did point out, you are getting up close and personal with someone covered in magical pollen, if you attack them, hit or miss, that's on you. If Aposemagika got dropped to 3M? I'd accept everything (and this includes the Invite Insanity upkeep and changes) but the "if you miss, nothing happens".

Otherwise? The presented change is only going to nerf Papilions more than they need to be whatsoever.

Re: Racial Suggestions - Rendar - 02-02-2015

"[url= Wrote:Chaos » Sun Feb 01, 2015 6:45 pm[/url]"]Papilion
-There could be a two-digit limit on how many butterflies are around, but an upkeep cost? make their stats worth something and then we'll talk.
-You're still going straight into their little butterfly aura thing, hit or miss; why should you somehow not go in if you whiff? It sounds like an unnecessary nerf to an already-struggling invocation.

-I think Black Rend could just use an FP reduction. trying to make the scale off level will turn it into a killer, and throwing in Fear is too much overkill (and a guaranteed Hexer combo)
-....There is nothing right with this Dark Claw suggestion. Giving +12 to practically every melee weapon is ridiculous; Backstabbing builds will achieve even more ridiculous supercrits, to name an obvious situation. Why should guns be given the short end on durability? There's no bowstring to cleave or any pages to rip up; a gun is never that fragile. Believe it or not, the damage bonus applying to guns was actually justified; Shaitan's horrendous WIL growth makes it very hard to get any good use out of Arcane Gun's WIL-based damage bonus. Really, this skill is far better off as it is right now.

-Liches are supposed to be the ultimate glass cannons. If you were looking for something survivable, you should've never looked at this race to begin with. That being said, just splitting damage to FP doesn't really suit the Lich here; you'd be better off putting that skill in a future Class.

-....How in the world is seeing the 'dice results' metagaming? If it was that secretive, it wouldn't have shown up on the Redtail to begin with. However, with the ability to change your dice to something that wouldn't bother you at minimum roll, I think this kind of ability shouldn't be happening.

I'll respond to this in a quick fashion.

6 butterflies is quite a lot, thank you. Changing the FP cost down to a FIFTH of what it costed before, meaning that you can summon 5 for the previous price of one, but giving it a 1 momentum upkeep. Hear me out here. Before you could summon one butterfly for 10 FP. Now you can summon one, and keep it for up to... 8 or so turns, before it costs as much as it did before. I would be fine with a 'mass unsummon' to unsummon your butterflies for 0 FP and 0 Momentum cost. It's 6 butterflies. They can either compromise their class and leave a glaring opening that leaves them susceptible to other attacks, if they're a magic gunner they can't do AoE shells if you summon one right beside them. Etc. I think the butterflies are fine staying as is. I'll get to Ryu's post in a 2nd one specifically made for him.

I'll agree that Aposemagika should keep it's business. It makes sense, and makes it 'funner' to a degree. So, we'll leave it alone just to see how it goes.

Black Rend was either getting an FP nerf so it's more balanced or more effects. If people would rather have Black Rend just be cheaper, fine.

Quote:-....There is nothing right with this Dark Claw suggestion. Giving +12 to practically every melee weapon is ridiculous; Backstabbing builds will achieve even more ridiculous supercrits, to name an obvious situation. Why should guns be given the short end on durability? There's no bowstring to cleave or any pages to rip up; a gun is never that fragile. Believe it or not, the damage bonus applying to guns was actually justified; Shaitan's horrendous WIL growth makes it very hard to get any good use out of Arcane Gun's WIL-based damage bonus. Really, this skill is far better off as it is right now.

+12 to every .weapon. that isn't a gun or tome is perfectly fine. The claws, if you may recall, put extra 'force' behind a shaitan's strength. OOMPH. How exactly does that correlate to you firing a gun 18 times in rapid succession < Which btw is what I'm suggesting this nerf. +72 damage for 1 turn of firing, just for that, is kind of insane. Not including Elemental Augments, cursed weaponry, shell effects, etc. Not even for single shots. This is balancing what's broken as hell >. Looking at +12 to 'crit dagger builds' compared to +4, the damage difference isn't that much. You gain 16 more damage, overall. +8 turning into +24. I find that perfectly fair for a dagger build. For multi-shot gunners, WIL does next to nothing for your shots. 40 WIL gives 2.5 damage per bullet. Or, 2. +12 is fine for meleers, it inherently buffs them to some degree. Which they needed.

Quote:-Liches are supposed to be the ultimate glass cannons. If you were looking for something survivable, you should've never looked at this race to begin with. That being said, just splitting damage to FP doesn't really suit the Lich here; you'd be better off putting that skill in a future Class.

"Survivable" and "actually feasible to play in PVP" are two different things. Not like their survivability in PVE is that much better. Or worse than the survivability of any mage in PVE ( See "One Shot One Kill" ). I'm not going to budge on the fact that Liches get fucked way to hard.

People metagame someone as a redtail, even if they have no tail or hide their ears. Simply because they can see the 'aura' of the dice. What the skill is intended to do is 'hide' your dice rolls. Namely because you don't roll your luck. You keep your penalty for this round of whatever you rolled < so you can't be cheap > but if you see luck isn't in your favor, you can simply just turn off getting the bonuses or penalties the power provides a round after you toggle them off.

Re: Racial Suggestions - Rendar - 02-02-2015

"[url= Wrote:Ryu-Kazuki » Sun Feb 01, 2015 7:28 pm[/url]"]After doing some more calcs and playing around with the new status formula, I wanted to point out how worse Invite Insanity + Aposemagika would be, even with a 2 FP cost for Butterflies.

[Image: 6e018ff2f57624d0c24e1e21affbf726.png]

Seirina's current build. Evo/Hex.

49 + (68/2 = 34) + 33 + Payback (10% without the cursed weapon) = 126% Status Infliction. That's great for a WIL Based Mage, and of course Magic Gunners.

[Image: 92928d8d479a19b76129424912572371.png]

Maikito's Rock's build. MG/Evo.

59 + (63/2 = 31.5 rounded down to 31) + 40 = 130%.

[Image: cItkFaJ.png]

Ignatius' Monte's Build. MG/Eng.

71 + (44/2 = 22) + 36 = 129%.


[Image: y8hs1dE.png]

Jesusmod's Virgil's Build. MG/Hex.

19 + 38 + No Mods = 57% Resistance.

Seirina vs Virgil, result, 69% chance.

Rock vs Virgil, result, 73% chance.

Monte vs Virgil, result, 72% chance.

Don't misunderstand, I'm not complaining about the chance, that's pretty decent odds, although that's against someone with moderate amounts of RES and LUC, with no items / skills / traits that go against status infliction. Granted, these are all WIL based Papilions.

Let's see how that goes on a Melee Papilion. I haven't been able to find anyone who plays them, so I'll use the GC as an example of average stats a Melee Papilion can get with a STR/SKI build.

[Image: 3c4fd62be6174668288dbbd41058f086.png]

So taking SKI, WIL, and LUC into account.

60 Levels with a 30% chance, 60 x .3 = 18 WIL. Plus bonus 6 = 24 WIL.

60 Levels with a 75% chance, 60 x .75 = 45 SKI. Plus bonus 8 = 53 SKI.

60 Levels with a 55% chance, 60 x .55 = 33 LUC. Plus bonus 5 = 38 LUC.

53 + (24/2 = 12) + 38 = 103%.

Vs 57% = 46% chance to inflict statuses as a Melee Papilion.

Keep in mind, this is without any form of resistance bonuses, and RES and LUC can both get higher on characters.

Now, Butterflies only give 5 statuses, so it's a 1 in 5 chance to get the status you want which is 20%. This is after your chance to inflict a status, which is pretty much the flip of a coin. Even less if the enemy did have status resistances.

3 of the statuses can be immunized.

1 is affected by level and only currently works in PvP.

2 can be cured by LBs.

3 of them can be immunized through items.

3 can be immunized through skills.

The most they last is 2 - 3 rounds.

Their max level is 3.

These statuses are very weak, and easily mitigated.

Butterflies only activate if they are dispelled in melee range. Options to avoid that.
  • Stay away from them.
  • Unequip Riposte before fighting a Papilion.
  • Don't attack them.
  • Focus on the Papilion and they will dispel on their own.

With that being said, dropping the cost to 2 FP is beneficial (not mentioning the limit, because the limit on ho many that can be summoned isn't so much of a big deal) for a WIL based Papilion, but with a 1 FP upkeep for something that has 1 in every stat, may not inflict a status, can easily be avoided, really makes it a nuisance for Mage Papilions, or all, especially ones with no FP regen because of the FP focus you're keeping on due to your skills / spells.

Now, Aposemagika alleviates this, yes. But here are the problems with Aposemagika, especially after the change.
  • It costs 6M, which leaves someone as a sitting duck for a very miniscule ability. Not worth one turn of leaving yourself open to attack.
  • 12 SP is useless to anyone who's not a Mage.
  • The Pollen's infliction rate is the same as your chance to inflict, so whether they hit you or not, it can still not activate. And then there's the status mitigation again.
  • Butterflies can actually fuck you over once it ends because of the upkeep cost and how it bypasses the limit (so say you have 10, that's 10 FP a turn, and to dispel them on your own it costs 1M and even more FP), but even with 6 out, it still costs 4 FP a turn with Capacity's regen.

Now to add onto this, melee or people who don't commonly use Invocations, aren't going to normally get the talent, especially for a measly little butterfly storm. So as a melee Papilion with 24 WIL, the formula would be, DMG (which a lot of people can easily get over 100 damage these days with normal attacks) - WIL (24) = % to break the invocation. Let's say, hypothetically, 100 dmg, with a crit. 100 - 24 = 76% chance to break the invocation. So as a melee Papilion, you just wasted 1 full turn, and 20 FP to sit there and look like an idiot with fairy wings. The only way they can protect that, is to sacrifice talent points in order to protect a skill they probably won't even use because it barely benefits them.

Due to the status update, the chances of these racials being problems have dropped a good bit, even more so if you actually have one or two status reduction items.

The limit on how many is fine to me, I don't personally care when it comes to that. They may already be currently FP extensive, but I'd rather keep it at 10 FP than 2 FP and a 1 turn upkeep when they already barely do anything. Maybe if they had higher priority than the caster and attracted monsters and you could select their targets? Sure. PvE gets a bonus that way.

As for Aposamagika? I'd not accept the change, as Chaos and I did point out, you are getting up close and personal with someone covered in magical pollen, if you attack them, hit or miss, that's on you. If Aposemagika got dropped to 3M? I'd accept everything (and this includes the Invite Insanity upkeep and changes) but the "if you miss, nothing happens".

Otherwise? The presented change is only going to nerf Papilions more than they need to be whatsoever.

God this was a pain in the ass to read. Okay. here we go.

126% Status affliction.

49 SKI, 68 WIL, and 33 LUC. Evo/Hexer

I think you're forgetting something Ryuboy.

49+33+34=116. +10% from hexer. 126%. If you wield a cursed/doomed weapon as a hexer, you don't just get an extra 10%. Doomed weapons give you an extra 30% affliction chance. That would turn your 'affliction rate' from 126% to 166% Something his feeble resistance wouldn't be able to stand up to. This means your butterflies would always be able to connect and deliver one of the 5 statuses. Almost always.

You may say "WELL I DONT WANT TO USE A CURSED WEAPON!". Deal with it. If you want something to be more absolute compared to a 60-70% chance, give it the +40% it gets from wearing it. It benefits you since 'all papilions are mages' and a rustic spell edge weapon is better anyways. Or any rustic tome. They're pretty easy to find, I have like 10 of the damn things and I don't even grind.

59+31+40=130% to afflict. That's without any hexer bonus, or any cursed weapon bonus. Since you know, everyone can get that yummy tasty +30%. It really helps, hexer just gets more bonuses from it than normal people. 130% is still a really nice affliction chance. Hell, my Doriad would only have a like. 70% chance to be afflicted. That's really good. Sorry that status effects aren't 100% of the time. They are 'chances' after all.

71+22+36 = 129% That's still pretty good. Could wield a rustic weapon or something since 'all papilions are mag-' Wait a second. He's an MG/Engineer. That isn't a mage at all. Anyways, going back to the topic. Rustic weapons. They help bitches.

Virgil Has a mediocre amount of RES and quite a bit of LUC. From the looks of it, he's built solely to be a Magic Gunner with pure offense. So he probably leveled up as... I dunno. MG/Evoker. Which gets good LUC growths alongside Zeran. Comparatively, races/class combos that don't get a luc growth don't get that luxury and often time, end up with maybe 10-20 LUC. Possibly even lesser RES. Let's assume someone gets 'average' stats as a BK. 10 LUC, 30 RES. that's 40% resist. +10% from anti-status and thats 50. Most of your party has a good chance to afflict the person.


Stat mumbo jumbo that probably isn't calculated correctly. Moving on.


Charm, Blind, Poison, Fear, ???

Blind, Poison, and Fear can be immunized against. Kaelens, Glykin, and Shaitan's do this. The blind is a rather large population of SL2. I'll agree. Not many people play Glykins however. Shaitans are around often enough to be a hassle.

2 of the statuses, Blind and Poison can be cured by an LB. Mind you, this requires the LB to spend 3 Momentum and a good chunk of FP. Compared to the possible 1 Momentum, or 3 if you same-turn detonated it.

Did you know you could do that by the way? I didn't. But apparently if you summon a butterfly, and go to 'resummon' on it. It self detonates. That solves your "OMGOSH THESE NEVER DETONATE AAAA". If you want to mass unsummon because for some reason you can't get them to ever work, I already suggested something that makes the illusion fade away with zero detonation benefits to you in my previous post.


"Three can be immunized by skills"

I'm fairly certain only one class in the entire game gives you IMMUNITY to status effects, and that's a magic gunner. Fucking recklessness is BS, let's not kid ourselves. It's better than like half the status cures in the entire game. 2-3 rounds is pretty huge for Charm. If you have nothing else attacking someone, that lets you set up a free CM to wreck ass. I digress but...

Already talked about changing Aposemagika, and how it probably shouldn't be. It makes more sense now that someones actually explained it more properly and I've had a day to mull it over. Pollen gets fucking everywhere just by the slightest of breezes. God damn plant sperm.

Now to the logic portion of the show. 2 FP to start a basic illusion that can actually harm someone negatively is pretty cheap. As is 1 FP. Otherwise we can just use the logic for any illusion ever made, no matter it's size. "It costs 10 FP and costs nothing to upkeep it. At all." That is weird, and illogical.

Doriads for 1 M and 5 FP get the ability to summon flowers. They aren't strong whatsoever, in fact they're pretty shitty. +1 to a random stat to you and allies within 1 of the flower, as well as enemies. If you super size that it gives +3 to allies and < possibly enemies. Still not sure on that one > for like +3 on the range. Comparing racial abilities, would you rather have a good "I CAN POSSIBLY GIVE YOU CHARM" gamebreaker or... flowers.. that are next to useless?

I know which I'd pick.

Sorry if this was long winded and took up 2 posts. It took forever to read/think on what you wrote.