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+--- Thread: TIME THE ULTIMATE WRONG (/showthread.php?tid=730)

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Re: TIME THE ULTIMATE WRONG - Neus - 02-08-2015

Time serves an important purpose with the way it behaves now; several key systems, such as dungeon clean-up and generation, are tied to the passing of in-game hours. Calendar events and world events also tie heavily into it. So there are quite a few negatives to changing it without many, if any, benefits.

Re: TIME THE ULTIMATE WRONG - Sarinpa1 - 02-08-2015

The presented problems have only one solution. Force it upon players to strictly follow time. Because no matter how the time will be changed, there will still be discepancies due to people not having to follow it. Smaller ones, but still.

If you're bothered by others not aging along with you, or something, that's up to agreement between the players. And forcing a change of current system on players that are fine with the time passage just because your special case of "I forgot to arrange aging pact with muh waifu and now I'm basicaly a pedophile" + What Neus said, is pretty silly.

It's not kicking roleplaying in the shins, it gives people the ability to freely roleplay as they are comfortable to. That is what SL is.

(Off topic, if you're really that bothered with roleplay being kicked into shins, where are muh forced combat n kills? I wanna rip apart those edgy fearless idiots for the earrape they are doing to me.)

Re: TIME THE ULTIMATE WRONG - Sarah54321 - 02-08-2015

I'm not bothered at all by the time related things. To be honest, I was more worried that people would begin to complain about things like training days and being in jail. Thirty minutes would translate to twelve hours each in game day, after all, so, I have nothing more to add-I think this topic's done pretty fine and dandy, aynway.

Re: TIME THE ULTIMATE WRONG - Chaos - 02-08-2015

As long as in-game time isn't treating people like how Dragonball Generations worked their aging system back when I played it, I don't see much of an issue with how it currently flows.

Re: TIME THE ULTIMATE WRONG - Sawrock - 02-08-2015

Some Dragon Ball Z games (the ones I've played are Finale, Phoenix, and itty-bits of other ones) had a nice aging system. You could die of old age, yeah, but it worked because it was a sandbox system with an afterlife, and ways you could increase your lifespan. Since SL2 is nowhere near a sandbox RP game (look at all the NPC-controlled governments), I don't think having time being more solidified would be a good option. It should stay vague.