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Stacking weights - Printable Version

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Re: Stacking weights - Rendar - 02-11-2015

with 19 STR, R5 Packrat, and 27 pieces of equipment in my inventory...

I have 46/83 (+20 from mech)...

I have 21 pieces of 'gear' that just weighs me down that I .really. can't do a damn about because you will find more of them in a dungeon consistently.

UW Seed, Plume, Bleeding Heart, Stolen Goods, Stabilizers, Anti-Tox, Sal-Vol, ThroatOpener, BluePot, LiquidCourage, R.Powder...

That's 10 pieces of stuff that I can't get out of my inventory when dungeoning because they are so prevalent in chests.

If I'm dungeoning, it's more than likely for a core but getting loot along the way generally means I'll get 20-30 pieces of equipment before I reach the end of the dungeon and pop open that bad boy. On a normal person with my statistics, who are already at 46/63... they legitimately can't take the stuff < all of it > from a dungeon and sell it. Instead they have to either leave halfway through for it to dissapear, or they have to breakdown/destroy the gear that is worth less/shitty qualities.

By the way, I only have .two. food items on my person with that limit. Having food shouldn't be so much of a hassle that you legitimately can't dungeon with it, but having food not weigh much is also an issue. I think food should drop down to 0.25 or 0.5 per item so that people can atleast have a reasonable amount of food if they are low strength.

Though the .obvious. answer to this problem is to have yourself a man whore who carries everything for your low-strength ass.

Re: Stacking weights - Blissey - 02-11-2015

I concur with food not weighing a full encumbrance level. Also food with congruent qualities should stack, if at all possible.

Re: Stacking weights - Jay - 02-11-2015

Quote:I don't see how we're not in the same boat when I generally carry a ton of loot, and food on me at all times and I'm not having trouble. I think you should just learn to manage your inventory better. A lot of the logic in this game doesn't make sense, it's still a game that has mechanics to make the system work.
Do you usually get off in a cycle of snarkiness? That's not very healthy. If you're upset about books, as the original post notes, feel free to bring it up. The suggestion is a reasonable compromise, when foods such as brain food are currently 0 weight. These same issues were the reason recipe cards became lighter. 34 items isn't a ton of loot, and this is also considerate for IC distributors that have to lug around food. I'm also not sure what in the mechanics makes lighter foods not work for the system. No, I'm not just speaking from a PvE magician standpoint.

Re: Stacking weights - Ryu-Kazuki - 02-11-2015

"[url= Wrote:Jay » Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:37 pm[/url]"]
Quote:I don't see how we're not in the same boat when I generally carry a ton of loot, and food on me at all times and I'm not having trouble. I think you should just learn to manage your inventory better. A lot of the logic in this game doesn't make sense, it's still a game that has mechanics to make the system work.
Do you usually get off in a cycle of snarkiness? That's not very healthy. If you're upset about books, as the original post notes, feel free to bring it up. The suggestion is a reasonable compromise, when foods such as brain food are currently 0 weight. These same issues were the reason recipe cards became lighter. 34 items isn't a ton of loot, and this is also considerate for IC distributors that have to lug around food. I'm also not sure what in the mechanics makes lighter foods not work for the system. No, I'm not just speaking from a PvE magician standpoint.

Please don't confuse my disagreement tone with snarkiness. That might be why you misunderstand my intention in the debates.

As for brain food? There's a reason. It's a donation item.

Recipe cards are a different story because they're commonly found in chests for loot, so you can't really choose to put them in your inventory or not, even if you can choose to delete them. You can however, choose to stuff yourself with food when instead you can either sell your useless junk, buy bank slots, get a bank donation card, or manage your inventory instead of complaining when you're almost quite literally a packrat (no that's not an offensive statement, but when you load yourself up with a whole bunch of junk and then complain you don't have enough room, that's your own fault).

34 items of 69 max, with r5 packrat, that's a lot. In fact that's half of my inventory, with packrat. I'd hate to see how much it'd be without it.

I'd also like to point out, I'm an IC food distributor, again, why have I yet to have problems? I have loot, food, and potions that I sell constantly.

Making food lighter doesn't have honestly much to do with making the system work, you misunderstood my statement about how the game doesn't have to be like real life down to the T based on the fact it's a game. Yeah, roleplay is supposed to be realistic and all, but it's still, a, game. But if you want to be technical, dropping the encumberence value of food would devalue the Strength stat slightly based on how it would make it easier to lug things around when Strength is there for that purpose. Just throwing that out there.

Hi, I'm an Evoker/Hexer who does both PvE and PvP, I've had no problems with any of this yet.

Overall, I see no problems. I constantly lug around loads of items, and have room left over for other things, but still barely manage to go over my limit unless I crack open a core. I don't in my opinion, see any reason there needs to be a change. Do we honestly have to make a big deal just because I disagree? No, not really.

Lastly, the thing about tomes was a joke, that you didn't get. It was just a way of saying, "not everything has the be exactly logical because this is a game".

Re: Stacking weights - Miller - 02-11-2015

Can you guys you know; take the numbers and the debates to balance fu where it's actually needed? Suggestions aren't exactly something that really calls for it. It's just a "Hey this might be cool to change/add".

But on a related note, food should either weigh less(half the usual) or stack when the effects happen to be the same and this suggestion would be nice to have.

Re: Stacking weights - Jay - 02-11-2015

Quote:Because I'm pretty sure books are much easier to carry around than swords or axes, but we're not bringing that up, huh?

I don't think making snide remarks in small text and continuously doing so proves any point, other than fact the intention revolves around ego. If you don't want me or anyone else to see it as that, please refrain from doing so.
Quote: As for brain food? There's a reason. It's a donation item.

Even if the game is slowly leaking with 'convenient' donation items, I suspect the weight advantage can go along with other food products.
Quote:Recipe cards are a different story because they're commonly found in chests for loot, so you can't really choose to put them in your inventory or not, even if you can choose to delete them. You can however, choose to stuff yourself with food when instead you can either sell your useless junk, buy bank slots, get a bank donation card, or manage your inventory instead of complaining when you're almost quite literally a packrat (no that's not an offensive statement, but when you load yourself up with a whole bunch of junk and then complain you don't have enough room, that's your own fault).
The same logic with recipe cards applies to food. You can choose to delete both. And sure, an alternate way to handle either of these would be making alts specifically as item mules. And nah, no offense really taken, though the constant jabs gets old. Variability in food weight should be a thing, regardless of someone's choice to hoard.
Quote:34 items of 69 max, with r5 packrat, that's a lot. In fact that's half of my inventory, with packrat. I'd hate to see how much it'd be without it.
I'd also like to point out, I'm an IC food distributor, again, why have I yet to have problems? I have loot, food, and potions that I sell constantly. Hi, I'm an Evoker/Hexer who does both PvE and PvP, I've had no problems with any of this yet.
Oh, really? My merchant isn't an Evoker/Hexer. Not even designated for PvP or PvE. He could be a level 20 for all it matters. But wait, so I have to buy donation items just because I believe food weight should be toned down a bit? That doesn't seem very right.
Quote:Making food lighter doesn't have honestly much to do with making the system work, you misunderstood my statement about how the game doesn't have to be like real life down to the T based on the fact it's a game. Yeah, roleplay is supposed to be realistic and all, but it's still, a, game. But if you want to be technical, dropping the encumberence value of food would devalue the Strength stat slightly based on how it would make it easier to lug things around when Strength is there for that purpose. Just throwing that out there.
Quote:The same logic applied to recipe cards and other items that dropped in weight.
Overall, I see no problems. I constantly lug around loads of items, and have room left over for other things, but still barely manage to go over my limit unless I crack open a core. I don't in my opinion, see any reason there needs to be a change. Do we honestly have to make a big deal just because I disagree? No, not really.
No one's making it a big deal. You find the need to rebuttal your points with snide remarks or large dissertations, as if your experiences cover everyone else's. You made it clear way earlier you disagree. Okay, cool.
Quote:Lastly, the thing about tomes was a joke, that you didn't get. It was just a way of saying, "not everything has the be exactly logical because this is a game".
That doesn't make much sense. You -just- confirmed my assertion, unless 'no, not really' was another joke? No one's hounding you over your opinion, but don't feel the need to flood against other points then end your argument like you're being picked on. There's no real right or wrong in these discussions. At the end of the day, we're waiting on Dev's verdict.

Re: Stacking weights - Chaos - 02-11-2015

The potions, recipe cards and some other (battle) items should probably lose some of their weight. You don't have much of a choice in avoiding them when you go digging through chests, and it's easy for them to uselessly clutter someone's inventory.

But the food items? The food items can stay at their current weight. Anyone thinking they can just easily carry a loaded picnic basket of cherry pies and curries (which all provide substantial regeneration between battles) is getting ahead of themselves. We all know why Brain Food is weightless (see: Donation Item), but that doesn't mean that one of the best things to have in a dungeon should follow suit as a whole.

If you want to have more food than you can handle, you should be going in with a plan on how to use your inventory. It's not the game's fault if you just rush in without regard to your backpack and then have to retreat because your lack of inventory control is penalizing your momentum. (Except when it involves a bunch of recipe cards flowing in from the loot charts; that's still complete bogus)

Re: Stacking weights - Ryu-Kazuki - 02-11-2015

"[url= Wrote:Chaos » Tue Feb 10, 2015 11:10 pm[/url]"]The potions, recipe cards and some other (battle) items should probably lose some of their weight. You don't have much of a choice in avoiding them when you go digging through chests, and it's easy for them to uselessly clutter someone's inventory.

But the food items? The food items can stay at their current weight. Anyone thinking they can just easily carry a loaded picnic basket of cherry pies and curries (which all provide substantial regeneration between battles) is getting ahead of themselves. We all know why Brain Food is weightless (see: Donation Item), but that doesn't mean that one of the best things to have in a dungeon should follow suit as a whole.

If you want to have more food than you can handle, you should be going in with a plan on how to use your inventory. It's not the game's fault if you just rush in without regard to your backpack and then have to retreat because your lack of inventory control is penalizing your momentum. (Except when it involves a bunch of recipe cards flowing in from the loot charts; that's still complete bogus)

Pretty much my sentiments on the entire matter. Anything that is forced into your inventory (not 100% forced, but comes with the surprise of opening a chest) shouldn't be a troublemaker. But on the matter of not managing your inventory, it's your own fault that you don't take precautions prior to going on a dangerous adventure.

Re: Stacking weights - Rockabye - 02-11-2015

Except that legend extension exists. When you LE you're pretty much forced to give up a substantial number of items in order to even come close to being unencumbered. The earlier levels are often the harshest, and it's completely unreasonable to assume that anyone will have enough bank space to store everything they accumulated in a single LE, let alone have enough space left over to carry food for the earlier levels (because even after storing and selling everything that they're willing to part with, all those battle items and whatnot will inevitably place them over their limit anyway). And this doesn't just apply to LE'd characters, new characters can run into the same issue fairly quickly when monsters and chests start offloading items onto them. I often find myself having to eat food early just to break even with my max encumbrance, only to quickly be placed over it again.

Re: Stacking weights - Grandpa - 02-11-2015

This isn't just about going in dungeons. Not everyone that's carrying food is a PVE/PVPer (or has access to donation items). Keep that in mind, even if the weight of food is only dropped .5 and becomes stackable.

Not to mention that the non-dungeoneers most likely aren't high leveled or have strength to begin with.