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Lore Questions: June 2021 - Printable Version

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RE: Lore Questions: June 2021 - SpaceShibe - 06-29-2021

More Amalgamamama questions...

1) How strong are the 'binds' that fuse their souls together, holding it intact? Does it depend on the person that made them?

2) Is it at all possible for an Amalgama to lose a soul? Through a divine-level being's doing or just a regular Player Character?
2a- If it's possible, what would be the effects on the Amalgama? Would they die off suddenly or have a rapid shift in personality? Or perhaps degrade?

3) Are souls fused as part of the creation ritual for Amalgama or can spliced souls be produced without setting them in a body?

4) Are the rates of Multiple Identity disorders amongst Amalgama higher than the average and if so;
4a- Can that be attributed to the amalgum'd soul and,
4b- Can the former souls in an Amalgama interact with one another after fusing? (Whispering things to one another, existing as discrete, countable entities rather than one single soul)

5) Speaking of souls, presumably Amalgama do not possess their own actual soul. If they did die, would there not be a soul to pass on to Lazarus that was their own?

RE: Lore Questions: June 2021 - RobotPan - 06-29-2021

Is there something beyond a god? Like some big cosmic titan or something like that.

And if there's something beyond a god, could it be killed?

RE: Lore Questions: June 2021 - K Peculier - 07-03-2021

1) Who makes all the candy and chocolate in the world? (Like the ones in treasure ball machines)
1a) Would fizzy soft drinks be possible in making?

2) If there are any - how intricate and complex would the candy/chocolate factories be in the world?
2a) Could machines similar to the treasure ball machine exist but instead vend soda cans?

3) Can I own a giant candy factory?

RE: Lore Questions: June 2021 - SolAndLuna - 07-06-2021

Back to your regularly scheduled Spellthief questions, in part thanks to some people inspiring me for them-

1. Do copy spells ICly require a casting tool? I'm aware that mechanically, they do, but there is occasionally a disconnect between IC and mechanics, so I felt like this would be a worthwhile question to ask.
2. If a copy spell's effectiveness completely fades away, is there a method to find out that the spellcard (or whatever else) contained a copy spell still, or is it just a blank card as far as anyone can tell at that point?
3. Are there other methods to obtain copy spells beyond either stealing from their users or from books?

RE: Lore Questions: June 2021 - Neus - 07-07-2021

(06-07-2021, 04:42 PM)Blissey Wrote: How does the Church view Asago? How does Mercala and the Voice view Asago? When Asago appeared outĀ of nowhere one day, how did the Church as a whole, the Voice, and Mercala view this oddity?

Probably the same as mages, which is to say not with much attention. I don't think it would be classified as an oddity.

(06-07-2021, 09:36 PM)Turadis Wrote: Just how brutal is Lordwain's climate? Does it get mild enough in the warmer months to grow certain hardy crops, such as carrots or turnips? If not, how do they survive?

It's pretty cold but, obviously, people live there so it's not inhospitable. They would rely on trade but there are plenty of crops that can be grown in rough climates like Lordwain.

(06-08-2021, 04:42 PM)Autumn Wrote: I have some questions regarding the specific treatment of zeran vampires within Alstalsia, mostly pertaining to their status.

1) How are Zerans who have turned into vampires viewed within Alstalsia? Is it viewed as heinous or anything else otherwise since they have given away their gift/reward?
2) What is the treatment of these individuals? Anything particularly drastic such as exile, anything as little as being thumbed at? Or indifferent to the matter altogether, nothing?

That's all I really wanted to ask.

1) They are likely not treated with much affection, since Zerans are very proud to be Zerans, and choosing to be something besides a Zeran can be seen as an insult to that pride. On the other hand, they may not see vampires and Zerans as mutually exclusive conditions (even though they are). So, basically, it would vary.
2) Again, this would depend on the region. The Houses govern their own lands. As far as the capital goes, they would probably be treated as a 'lesser' race if it is known they're a vampire, or treated as if they don't exist in the worst case.

(06-09-2021, 10:29 PM)chimeranyx Wrote: Do Ereshkigal's followers believe she has a different domain then Zera? What do they think and/or say she looks like?

1) No.
2) They communicate with her through a large mirror, but they've never seen her in any detail; often her image is a shadowy figure with red eyes and horns, but no detail otherwise to be seen.

(06-10-2021, 02:59 AM)Arko Wrote: Hi there Dev, my question pertains to the relationship between a summoner and their summons after becoming a Shaitan. When someone becomes a Shaitan, is the contract between summoner and summon broken due to one side forgetting it?

Yes, the influence that causes the corruption would be strong enough to break any Youkai contracts the person has. (This is not reflected in game for your convenience.)

(06-28-2021, 12:31 AM)Shadbase Wrote: Speaking of summoner questions!
Is it at all possible for a summoner to be able to negotiate their contract so that their youkai can be given to their child (if they had any) upon death as long as the child also became a summoner? Or - actually, any sort of transferral around the same lines?
(Mostly coming from the fact I have all three of mine Regalia'd and it'd kinda suck to just say "lol luck found the exact same ones again Smile" rather than something more thematic / RP friendly-)

Contracts with Youkai can be transfered between individuals provided all parties, including the Youkai, agree. You wouldn't be able to automatically transfer the contracts upon death, but the Youkai will linger for a time and could be contracted again.

(06-28-2021, 06:49 PM)Mikuel Wrote: what is the time limit for someone to return as dullahan? As in, after they die, what is longest acceptable time they can spend "dead" before the armor wakes up.

The fusing of the soul with the armor is instant upon death. It may lay dormant for some time, but not more than a month, I would say.

(06-29-2021, 12:47 AM)Senna Wrote: How long ago before the people stop speaking with the ancient language? Like the time period whereas it was forgotten.

What people and what language? A little too vague for me to answer.

(06-29-2021, 04:51 AM)Sawrock Wrote: DOES THE ZOO HAVE PENGUINS TOO

Afraid not.

(06-29-2021, 07:51 AM)SpaceShibe Wrote: More Amalgamamama questions...

1) How strong are the 'binds' that fuse their souls together, holding it intact? Does it depend on the person that made them?

2) Is it at all possible for an Amalgama to lose a soul? Through a divine-level being's doing or just a regular Player Character?
2a- If it's possible, what would be the effects on the Amalgama? Would they die off suddenly or have a rapid shift in personality? Or perhaps degrade?

3) Are souls fused as part of the creation ritual for Amalgama or can spliced souls be produced without setting them in a body?

4) Are the rates of Multiple Identity disorders amongst Amalgama higher than the average and if so;
4a- Can that be attributed to the amalgum'd soul and,
4b- Can the former souls in an Amalgama interact with one another after fusing? (Whispering things to one another, existing as discrete, countable entities rather than one single soul)

5) Speaking of souls, presumably Amalgama do not possess their own actual soul. If they did die, would there not be a soul to pass on to Lazarus that was their own?

1) I'm not sure what you mean by 'binds'. A fused soul is a fused soul; there's nothing binding it together, as it's a new entity.

2) See above; no.

3) They are fused as part of the creation ritual.

4) No, not really.
4b) No.

5) They possess their own soul created by a fusion of the souls used in the ritual process. Presumably, this would go to Lazarus, where it may or may not separate back in to the original souls at some point.

(06-29-2021, 02:35 PM)RobotPan Wrote: Is there something beyond a god? Like some big cosmic titan or something like that.

And if there's something beyond a god, could it be killed?

1) Nothing that is known, no. Gods are the highest tier of existence that everyone is aware of.
2) Possibly, possibly not.

(07-03-2021, 12:33 PM)KĀ Peculier Wrote: 1) Who makes all the candy and chocolate in the world? (Like the ones in treasure ball machines)
1a) Would fizzy soft drinks be possible in making?

2) If there are any - how intricate and complex would the candy/chocolate factories be in the world?
2a) Could machines similar to the treasure ball machine exist but instead vend soda cans?

3) Can I own a giant candy factory?

1) There's no single source.
1a) I think this would be a bit too advanced for the world to be produced. Perhaps in very limited qualities by a mage of some sort, or a very skilled alchemist.

2) There aren't really factories in general. Anything produced is done so by craftsmen, or in this case, cooks.
2a) See 1a.

3) I don't think so, sorry Willy.

(07-06-2021, 10:03 PM)SolAndLuna Wrote: Back to your regularly scheduled Spellthief questions, in part thanks to some people inspiring me for them-

1. Do copy spells ICly require a casting tool? I'm aware that mechanically, they do, but there is occasionally a disconnect between IC and mechanics, so I felt like this would be a worthwhile question to ask.
2. If a copy spell's effectiveness completely fades away, is there a method to find out that the spellcard (or whatever else) contained a copy spell still, or is it just a blank card as far as anyone can tell at that point?
3. Are there other methods to obtain copy spells beyond either stealing from their users or from books?

1) Yes.
2) You may be able to detect magical traces or tell it was used for spell-holding purposes, yeah.
3) They wouldn't be copy spells if they weren't copied from something, would they?