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Exu.. GALIFA! - Printable Version

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Re: Exu.. GALIFA! - Ryu-Kazuki - 02-23-2015

I think if people want to complain about Overload, maybe they should stop trying to stack on bonus stats. It's pretty much your own fault you're taking that much damage. It's designed to shut down people who try to OP themselves with bonus stats.

Though I agree Exgalfa sucks, maybe have it either inflict a chance to burn the target, or bypass resistance?

Re: Exu.. GALIFA! - Ranylyn - 02-23-2015

But Ryu, we can't have that, because that would A) Make logical sense, and B) people will spaz the hell out about not having their godly stats and being weaker than those who do, oh noes!

Simple fact is that SL2 is not an RP community, it's a PVP-obsessed community.

Re: Exu.. GALIFA! - Rockabye - 02-24-2015

The problem I see with Overload is that it hits pretty much everyone too hard. Even if you're not trying to mod your stats... honestly, you don't really have much of a choice most of the time. Mods come from just about everywhere. Natural class bonuses, class innates, stamps, equipment that give bonuses (whether that's what you were using them for or not)... I usually don't even pay attention to my mods, and sometimes I look in my character window to find that I have as high as +14 in one stat alone. Overload is currently... a smite button against most characters. It was fine in SL1 where it was a counter to one of the most ridiculously overpowered things in the game, but in SL2, where mods aren't very optional, it has no business even existing as-is. If you want to balance it, take away the damage bonus from bonus statistics entirely, and instead make it nullify the target's statistical bonuses. It can no longer smite people, adds a strategic element by wiping out their stat bonuses (dissuading people from focusing too heavily on stat-boosting in the first place), remains extremely useful, and everyone is happy.

On the topic of Exgalfa, I agree with Soapy's suggested change. It's long overdue, all things considered.

Re: Exu.. GALIFA! - Sarinpa1 - 02-24-2015

"[url=' Wrote:Ranylyn ยป Mon Feb 23, 2015 11:58 pm[/url]"]But Ryu, we can't have that, because that would A) Make logical sense, and B) people will spaz the hell out about not having their godly stats and being weaker than those who do, oh noes!

Simple fact is that SL2 is not an RP community, it's a PVP-obsessed community.

I ask you keep these completely useless and agressive remarks to yourself. They make you look even worse than your suggestions. Thanks.
Or atleast try to contribute something worthwhile while you do these remarks. Jeez.

Now as for the boost that was given to overload, I believe it was at 2 damage per statpoint yes? Then buffed to five...I think 3-4 would be a good compromise.

As Rockabye pointed out, mods can't be avoided. Lessened, sure, but not avoided. The current way Overload is is that you can't expect to survive it. And if you do, well, you did good sport. But time to die next turn.

Re: Exu.. GALIFA! - Rendar - 02-24-2015

Or maybe it gives you hunted, or a hunted like effect to the target for X rounds. Every point they have increases the level by 2. Etc.

Re: Exu.. GALIFA! - Normal Username - 02-25-2015

I feel the same way, last I checked Exgalfa wasn't even used by most and Overload was like an 'Excalibur' to your 'Saber'. I think making everything OP is not the best way to balance something. . .juuust saying.

Re: Exu.. GALIFA! - Mivereous - 02-25-2015

Could cap the bonus damage, also/instead.

Exgalfa burning chance would be nice instead of the bonus thing it does now, Burn LVL Rank*5. Maybe another 5 LVLs if caster is using Nerhaven, but not the badge. Just a thought.

Re: Exu.. GALIFA! - MegaBlues - 02-25-2015

Burn doesn't really have any benefit for those who use magic.

Re: Exu.. GALIFA! - Rendar - 02-25-2015

Burn deals a .ton. of unmitigated uncapped fire damage. Like. A lot. burn level 25 is.. like. 75 damage before the resistance to the element. It's kind of bullshit.

Re: Exu.. GALIFA! - MegaBlues - 02-25-2015

And then we have Wretched Oil.