NEUS Projects
Seeker Flame Kamikaze - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Seeker Flame Kamikaze (/showthread.php?tid=9962)

Pages: 1 2

RE: Seeker Flame Kamikaze - firehawk11 - 03-09-2023

Upon thinking they need one hell of a rework. They are so weak that even a tank with no Cel can dodge them. It is pretty bad.

RE: Seeker Flame Kamikaze - renowner - 03-10-2023

If Seeker flame stops being completely useless anytime soon, will be if we find out if dev still reads the forums balance fu.

RE: Seeker Flame Kamikaze - firehawk11 - 03-12-2023

(03-10-2023, 07:28 PM)renowner Wrote: If Seeker flame stops being completely useless anytime soon, will be if we find out if dev still reads the forums balance fu.

Some of the updates he drops makes me think he does read Balance Fu still. I mean it is a good idea for balance reasons to read it. Unless you somehow think Dev doesn't then what all the updates on some "Broken" builds has been just because he finally decided to nerf it? I give Dev more credit then this.