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Lore Questions: November - Printable Version +- NEUS Projects (https://neus-projects.net/forums) +-- Forum: Sigrogana Legend 2 (In-Character) (https://neus-projects.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=37) +--- Forum: Lore Questions (https://neus-projects.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=10) +--- Thread: Lore Questions: November (/showthread.php?tid=17) |
Re: Lore Questions: November - Chaos - 11-30-2014 1. Besides Heaven's Contention and the Oniga-Sigrogana War, have there been any other wars that took place in history? 2. Some time ago, you spoke about Divine-type beings having the ability to interfere with Corruption. A few questions about this: -a. Are only (certain) Gods able to do this, or are certain races/beings outside of Gods also able to perform this? -b. To what extent do they deal with it? Do they revert the being to whatever race they were before, or turn them into a certain race only, whether by personal choice or simply how things are? -c. Are they any non-Corruption races that can be affected this way? 3. Assuming that Lazarus is the 'Demon Realm' spoken of in the 'Lazarus Winds' skill.... Is there any basic information about Lazarus, such as the nature of the realm and its inhabitants? 4. Is Ashe in any sort of relationship? Re: Lore Questions: November - Dinogun - 11-30-2014 So where do people harvest carapace(the crafting material)? Is there a certain animal they take it from? Re: Lore Questions: November - LadyLightning - 11-30-2014 I would imagine it's taken from spatials. The other options would be soldier kraboids, but then its aspect would be of the water element, or Shaitans, which would be completely inhumane and terrible. Re: Lore Questions: November - Neus - 12-03-2014 "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=58#p58' Wrote:Miller » Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:13 pm[/url]"]Are weapons able to be created out of magic rather than physically?(Striking iron). The end result isn't as reliable. The cost is relatively taxing (focus wise). Don't recommend it. "Ranylyn"' Wrote:Magical catalysts. Tomes and spelledge weapons exist, for sure, but what is the true limit of their potential? A catalyst is just a focused lens. It isn't a source of power, although it may have unique properties. As for the guns question, that's already how most Magic Gunners fire their guns, since regular 'bullets' are more expensive and have about the same level of power. "Planetary Destruction"' Wrote:How fast is magic, in literal terms? I know this has been answered before but sources have informed me that you were just joking (which I honestly don't doubt). Magic has to be somehow perceptible, whether by the target's eye, a trained mage, a trained mage hunter, or some other kind of magically affixed and affiliated person. Though I guess the reason "you just have to feel it" works too. But twice the speed of light isn't very credible nor does it make anyone credulous to it at all. It's pretty fast. "Ranylyn, again"' Wrote:- How long ago did the corrupted become a thing? Is it a recent thing, such as post HC? Or is it as old as some of the older races? Corrupted have always been a thing. Yes. There's no information on why they didn't, nor any indication why they would do so (you could make the same argument for Sigrogana, but.) "Kiralyn"' Wrote:From the wiki: "Kaelensia have a rather unrefined language that they use on Egwyn sometimes." Most of Egwyn can speak the common language, since they have to in order to trade with foreigners who bring them important supplies. The Kaelan language is rather antiquated and isn't as capable of as much complexity and detail as the common language, so it's only really still used as a means of tradition, and even then, not often. "Divus"' Wrote:Can you give me a general, but descriptive summary of Huggessoa please? There is no summary of Huggessoa. The only thing we know about him, according to the Mercalan Church, is that he's evil, as are those who ally themselves with him. Yes. No. A worshiper of Huggessoa would likely wear funeral attire. "4EvarKnight"' Wrote:This came up in LOOC; What exactly are the laws of the land, beyond the obvious "Don't steal, kill, rape, or attack each other"? I don't recall there being any specifics laid out. If you draw your weapon, it must be for a non-violent purpose, or because you are being assaulted. You can't draw your weapon to intimidate another person. Intimidating another person in general is not allowed. Other than that, there's the whole 'no magic' thing in Oniga. No public indeceny. No violence against others, which is punished to varying degrees (if you're just a drunk brawler, you'll probably spend the night in jail. If you're a thug, depending on where you are, you could get exiled or executed if you're a repeat offender.) "MakeshiftWalrus"' Wrote:Is there a specific way to becoming a Ghost? If so, how? Ghosts are just tenacious fighters, so I guess one way would be to not die. Geistritters are usually recruited by scouting talent. Generally you must be a talented spiritualist and not have any serious criminal record. When you're recruited at first, it's as a trainee, and you're given small jobs to do such as hauntings/etc. When your training is finished, you are either released (because you did poorly) or recruited to the organization (because you did well). "411-L-411"' Wrote:So, do we have microphones or any means of voice aid? Talk louder. "Ninjahzzz' Wrote:Okay,So,Last month you went and said that Alstalsia had some of the more standard Fantasy creatures living in it...and that makes me question. Zera is a demon of domination. It only makes sense that his kin would follow his example. So, yes. "Grandpa"' Wrote:Are Mercalan magics capable of healing disabilities that you were born with? (IE blind, mute, deaf.) Depending on the severity of the condition, it is possible, yes. Although sometimes even Mercana will not work and no one seems to understand why. "Planetary Destruction"' Wrote:What constitutes an emergency in which Mercalan/healing magic should be used to aid another from injury, contusions, etc? This is all going by ethics and the Church Charter (which I'm sure there is one). If waiting for normal medical treatment would result in the death of the person, that is a valid time to use your magic. If a threat, such as a monster, is about and the only way to make sure it's stopped is to heal someone who can defeat it, that is another valid use. If you are pursuing a greater threat towards others, such as monsters (but not mortals), then it can be used without much worry. Generally speaking, Mercala favors life over death. "Ampere"' Wrote:What percentage of people caught under the Black Eclipse actually get Corrupted into Umbrals? 1%. Re: Lore Questions: November - Neus - 12-03-2014 "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=142#p142' Wrote:Maikito » Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:54 am[/url]"]Does Hyoya have it's own language perhaps? No. Of course. I like to think of fading out to be like transparency. The further away you are, the more transparent they appear. This isn't possible during the day but depending on how dark it is during the night, yes. "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=319#p319' Wrote:Jay » Fri Nov 14, 2014 9:07 am[/url]"]I still cannot understand the recent addition of Life Steal/Drain (or whatever you wish to call the trait). It seemed like it would be a lich casting a hex (to mechanically accommodate a horrible HP pool), but apparently vampires have this as well. It must not involve blood if glykins aren't immune and it doesn't harm the recipient. It's a violent extraction of Focus from the target that is then applied as healing to the user. The nature of the extraction damages the target and steals their focus, almost as if it were ripped out. Since it isn't blood, vampires do not 'feed' this way (which is why they don't get any Blood meter for it). Vampires and liches are the only ones who can perform it because it requires specific knowledge and isn't capable of being used by the living. "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=328#p328' Wrote:RoboCat » Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:09 am[/url]"]1. Does Sigrogana have any extra moons or suns? 1) No. 2) There are lots of stars and some planet-like spheres in the distance. 3) By being cursed with Cladis Mortem Null. 4) No. 5) No. "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=357#p357' Wrote:Jay » Fri Nov 14, 2014 9:43 pm[/url]"]A basic few questions that should have been answered. Sometime shortly before Heaven's Contention, although they were not as developed or focused as they are now. "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=421#p421' Wrote:Rendar » Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:58 pm[/url]"]What happens to a person that stays within the void to long? Do they turn into pure focus energy and dissipate into nothingness, therefore 'dying'? 1) No one knows. 2) Glowing blue lacerations along the vessel's body that appear as soon as the Lich is 'attached'. Portions of the arcane energy of the Lich may become discolored as well. 3) They use their own focus, change it into the form of the spell they are casting, and release it. 4) As long as you have the knowledge and focus, and no outside force interferes with the casting, you can use the magic. 5) A terrasque is a large serpent monster that lives under the ground. As it moves, its shell sheds, and eventually it finds its way to the surface. "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=422#p422' Wrote:Sarah54321 » Sat Nov 15, 2014 9:21 pm[/url]"]Why are Oracles known to be corrupted. What corrupted them? Because only humans become oracles. Probably the same thing that corrupted all of the Corrupted. "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=472#p472' Wrote:Someone » Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:09 pm[/url]"]Can you make vodka out of potatoes? Sure. All of the gods are either dead or gone, with the exception of Mercala, whom I believe needs no introduction to her faith. The others, not so much; most of them just follow their legends or ideals, like the Zerans. Re: Lore Questions: November - Neus - 12-03-2014 "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=498#p498' Wrote:Ranylyn » Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:26 am[/url]"]Age related questions Depends on the region. Chaturanga is likely to have 16 be the age when you're an 'adult', for example. But since people in general live for a long while in Sigrogana, especially some races, it's quite varied and usually pushed towards the end of the teen years (or even early twenties). But like I said, with how different the race's lifespans are, it's hard to give a concrete number. "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=727#p727' Wrote:ShadowHunt » Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:35 am[/url]"]Some questions about the history mechanations The former. Probably about 30 years prior. A Grimalkin is like an albino; it's a rare genetic 'defect'. Any Felidae can be a Grimalkin when they're born, even if their entire family tree up until that point didn't contain one. "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=778#p778' Wrote:Someone » Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:35 pm[/url]"]What do the various potions taste like? Medicine. Seafood. No. "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=915#p915' Wrote:Sarinpa1 » Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:44 am[/url]"]I have not been able to find this covered anywhere on the wiki, so don't throw stones at me if it's already avaible anywhere. Ryu answered the first one, so. Usually orphans that the Empire is aware of are directed to the Mercalans, who take care of them or find them surrogate homes. Maria is the example of one such orphan (once upon a time). "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=930#p930' Wrote:Rendar » Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:54 pm[/url]"]How advanced are the sciences? I know we have engines and mechanations, but is microbiology < or biology in general I suppose > a thing? Microbiology is a no. Biology, probably to some degree. Keep in mind this is a world with magic, so any field where magic is applicable is going to have a less developed 'scientific' portion just on the basis of need. "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=936#p936' Wrote:Joseph Jostar » Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:41 pm[/url]"]So I found myself thinking after a night spent tending to a toothache so awful I had to call in sick from work... Mercana can probably regenerate teeth, yes; though unless it's a serious issue... Doctors can also probably treat it themselves, which is preferable. "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=941#p941' Wrote:Ranylyn » Fri Nov 21, 2014 8:50 pm[/url]"]Further adding to this: That's kidnapping, so no. "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=1193#p1193' Wrote:MakeshiftWalrus » Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:36 pm[/url]"]Is Legend Extension an actual in-character thing? I consider Legend Extension an in-character thing to an extent. It's not a literal interpretation, but it's more like what Asha describes it as; your legend has come 'this far', and Legend Extension is a way to show that. By that I mean it's supposed to be a representation of your character's story, and it's not something actually exists ICly. "[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=1375#p1375' Wrote:Chaos » Sun Nov 30, 2014 9:39 pm[/url]"]1. Besides Heaven's Contention and the Oniga-Sigrogana War, have there been any other wars that took place in history? Not major wars. Skirmishes have happened, land has been traded, but that's all in the past. Only Gods, and only certain gods who aren't around anymore. They could reverse the 'corruption' if it is recent. No, there aren't any non-Corrupted who can be affected this way. Lazarus isn't a demon realm or anything. Lazarus is a labyrinth which might as well be a demon realm. It's the medium between the outside world and the underworld (yes, this is a real place). But most people don't know anything about it. Ashe is in a long-term work relationship with Mercala. |