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Melee weapons ending turn early - Printable Version

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Re: Melee weapons ending turn early - Ranylyn - 11-30-2017

"Lolzytripd" Wrote:which is why since its such an easy thing to fix by just having a skill equipped I truly question the stubborness of a new player to refuse this advice.

1) Tactician requires 15 base skill. No race has 15 base skill. It'll take several levels to get tactician (3 if your race has 4 base skill) All the "durr just fix it you idiot noob" in the world won't make it any less annoying when it happens.

2) Not everyone knows about this or how to fix it. I can easily see a new player finding it unfair the enemy can move and attack while they can't, and just quitting without asking for help, either.

I truly question the attitude of someone trying to pin all the fault on new players for "refusing" to endure it until it CAN be fixed.

Re: Melee weapons ending turn early - Lolzytripd - 11-30-2017

I meant still refusing after they've been told in chat how to fix it.

Re: Melee weapons ending turn early - Kiranis - 01-17-2018

Update. This bug still exists some other player encountered it earlier today I think he/she litterly quit over it.

I don't remember the character it happened on. i think i even deleted them but it was a reaper using a spear I THINK i might of had sub attack for some reason.

Re: Melee weapons ending turn early - Autumn - 01-17-2018

If there's anything I can provide to help find this issue, its that this never happened before the hotbar change that accounted for new FP costs, sometimes the new hotbar confuses basic attack for special attack (even if you don't have it, resulting in you not being able to use the basic attack function on your hotbar), maybe if it were to go back to defaulting special attack to basic attack on your hotbar, then the issue might be fixed.

Re: Melee weapons ending turn early - adamkad1 - 02-09-2018

and now it also trips after moving for convertees