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PSA: Racial Features - Printable Version

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Re: PSA: Racial Features - Rendar - 07-04-2015

If they're saying they're human ooc, but hyattr for the skills/growths.

Which seems to be the case.

Maybe you shouldn't flip your shit Ranylyn

Re: PSA: Racial Features - Soapy - 07-04-2015

Calm the fuck down and go take a break Ranylyn, we're not talking about IC lying.

Re: PSA: Racial Features - MegaBlues - 07-04-2015

"[url= Wrote:Slydria » Fri Jul 03, 2015 3:09 pm[/url]"]You can lie about your race. You can hide your features away with clothing or something like that. But the race you select is the race you are; it's as simple as that.

Re: PSA: Racial Features - Ranylyn - 07-04-2015

I fail to see how I was not being calm. I used a boldened segment simply to draw attention to my point.

Furthermore, as someone who used to play a wingless phenex (lost via injury) and took a lot of crap for it, despite ICly admitting to being a phenex, I've taken a lot of crap for not having the wings on my icon simply since people couldn't tell at a glance, even when my character was fiercely proud of his heritage, and boasted about it. Perhaps things have changed since then, but people OOCly lying about it was not mentioned at all, and I personally see zero benefit to oocly lying about your race unless you are trying to surprise someone, so I had zero reason to assume it was OOC lying.

Please do not project a mental state onto me, unless I am actively spazzing out (such as my one-time "What are you smoking!?" comment about the statement that all summoners have 50+ faith, followed with sacreenshots of at least 8 summoners with low faith.) in which case I would surely be deserving f being told to calm down. But this is not the time.

Re: PSA: Racial Features - Miller - 07-04-2015

"[url= Wrote:Ranylyn » Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:25 pm[/url]"] Perhaps things have changed since then, but people OOCly lying about it was not mentioned at all, and I personally see zero benefit to oocly lying about your race unless you are trying to surprise someone, so I had zero reason to assume it was OOC lying.

[Image: 1151.jpg?new=1]

You also had even less of a reason to assume it was IC lying that was against the rules. If you're wondering why you get a lot of flak for being a wingless corbie or hyattr it's because its usually an excuse to play as a human with hyattr/corbie growths and skills while avoiding any other traits of said race.

Re: PSA: Racial Features - Exxy - 08-09-2015

Please take into note that I haven't read all/most of the responses after the initial post so I'm not entirely sure if this has been gone over. Regardless, I voted for hate and only hate for this specific reason:

If I can't tell you're Kaelensian because you -completely- lack the fluff factor and I find out during mid-IC battle due to a nulled Sun's Flare, expect me to be royally ticked enough to make a post on a topic like this.

. . . You know who you are. =_=

Re: PSA: Racial Features - LadyLightning - 08-30-2015

Taking wind spells to fight a Hyattr is not meta, it's completely 100% IC observation of your opponent. If you learned the wind spells, they're in your spellbook/whatever. If you eat a ~fruit~ to change your spells? That's bullshit.

Re: PSA: Racial Features - Poruku - 09-04-2015

I'm just going to say what I think about this.

I hate this. I think people think "Man, wouldn't it be cool if I was different from the others, and had this particular physical feature?" Then, the natural, easy option comes to mind and they cut off their own wings. I have seen an rp forum where a race of flying dudes had. Litterally. All of their members. Without wings.


People don't think correctly when they make a character. The most important thing isn't the appearance or backstory, because honestly, most characters that have these traits are boring to rp with. The most important part of a character is his personality, his character. Afterwards you can develop a nice backstory and stuff, and yeah, maybe afterwards, this character who you thought of and would probably make for some interesting rp, could have had his wings cut off because of some events in his backstory.

My point is, people make characters backwards as fuck.

Physical particularities and class and how they fight, then some kind of backstory, and then they roll with it and develop their character.
Or just thinking about a cool class combo build or something, and THEN thinking about a character (This is something I usually bash)
Instead of:

Thinking about a person who would be interesting to rp with, and then building a backstory around this person, then adjusting his physical features and way to fight, based on his backstory.

I'm not saying this is like some kind of must-use recipe for characters. I'm not a character nazi, I'm just saying people need to set their priorities when making a character. And the priority isn't being special physically. To me, the priority is having an interesting character.

(Proud owner of 5 normal humans, 2 elves and a lupine)

Re: PSA: Racial Features - Raigen.Convict - 09-05-2015

I don't see it very ofton, or I ignore it when I do see it... All in all, why rid yourself of racials like that and act like you're fine? (To be honest i'd find it cool if vampires could use some of their previous races racial attributes if it made sense... like corbie flight)

Re: PSA: Racial Features - RoboCat - 09-09-2015

At this point, I don't really even know how to feel about this topic. While I like to have faith that people won't look at a race with wings or tails and ears and decide to pretend they're human. There's no way for me to really tell from an IC standpoint. The most I can really do is hope they have a legitimate reason for it, and tell them it's not right to do so otherwise. While I wouldn't recommend having a character's backstory have some sort of tragic event where they've lost their wings(err, or tail or ears or whatever), some people do and there's not much we can really do about it from an IC standpoint.

On another note. How many players ever actually do lose their character's racial traits in interactions with other players? I'm sort of curious about it now that I've gotten over my sort of shyness concerning this topic thread. I want to get a general idea.