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[v2.71] Stun Oddities - Printable Version

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[v2.71] Stun Oddities - Autumn - 03-08-2023

There are a multitude of jank issues that arise from stunning an enemy in multiple scenarios, I will do my best to explain them as I see how they are working currently:

1) First off the first oddity is that Stun does not expire when an enemy ends their next turn, allowing them to gain DR for longer than intended, though I believe if this would allow you to chain stun someone ever other turn if it did expire, I'm not sure if there's supposed to be a stun immunity or not attached to the status expiring but if there isn't, there should be.

2) If you are faster than someone in a 1vs1 scenario, and you stun them, you will take away their next turn, but due to round robin turn order, their team's slated to move first next round, given they are the only one on their own team, that means they will precede you in the turn order instead, letting them move ahead of you for the remainder of the match, effectively this means that the opponent is not stunned at all, and to top it off, the previous issue occurs where stun does not expire on their turn, making it so that they do not effectively miss a turn AND you deal 50% reduced damage to them. I am not sure of any non-jank workarounds other than forcing a stunned player to end turn.

3) Players can stun themselves with certain mechanics (air pressuring rocks) and have themselves remain with 1m to trigger stun on themselves, lose only 1 momentum in the process, potentially heal themselves with Mayelia's healing, and gain 50% DR for the entirety of the next turn, due to stun not expiring.

RE: [v2.71] Stun Oddities - Shujin - 03-09-2023

I have been thinking about it myself for a while, one of my tankiest characters is a Lupine, who uses Ki Awoken only at rank 4 to have an auto selfstun. Obviously a stupid gimmick build, but it works way better than it has any right to.
Simply because of how Round robin interacts with stun currently. I am not REALLY losing turns all that much, and if you build to resist alot of elements on top of it you regain 3M every so often, sometimes actually GAINING momentum instead of losing it, starting a turn with 10 M and +50% DR. Its absurd.

But its probably an issue with how turn order works more than Stun itself and I do not see how that could be changed without changing that system again, while having stun, still stun.

Maybe it should just...Not give DR. Or Stun is reworked in a way, where its similiar to Badly Beaten and removes some M each turn its active? Maybe the easiest badaid fix, is to make it reduce Momentum by 6 but minimum 1, leaving the stunned person with 1 M so it won't mess with turn order, and the person still can't do much, though thats probably still not fixing the selfstun shenanigans. Either way, Stun is currently certainly very awkward.

On a side note. Omnias red luck "I create a hole!" thing, works very similar to this. If you create the hole and force the opponent to step into it, which usually costs your whole turn, just means the opponent starts before you again, with full momentum.

RE: [v2.71] Stun Oddities - renowner - 03-10-2023

Turn orders are janky and I pointed it out in terms of summoned units too and Dev said it was fine. . .Its also very janky with wraithguard, similar issue. I'd love for it to be fixed up.
Wraithguard being summoned/dying can swap turn order forever which is stupid.
Summoned units always act together in combat. So you know. Even if its a 20 person fight, two grand summoners, suddenly it'll be GS1, GS2, then all twelve of Gs1's summons, then all 12 of GS2's summons, which is just stupid and dumb and I hate it. And it did happen to me in an actual fight. Its dumb both ways. Being able to move 12 times in a row is dumb, and always having your summons move before the enemy's summons are also dumb.
Additionally when the summoner dies, it lets the summon move first next round, if they were already moving first.
And in the case of a 1v1 with auto summon, even a 0 cel character ends up moving first usually against really fast opponents, since it likes to stagger turns. At least it was the case for me in the past, not sure about right now.
And now Stun is also messing with it?
The boxer finisher might also, then? I haven't tested it.
And pit traps. . . .

Stun's DR should be less op. Or we should at least get a trait like blind fighter that makes it half as effective for players. Like we have with blind fighting. Still op against monsters if you're stunned, but not as op against players.

RE: [v2.71] Stun Oddities - firehawk11 - 03-10-2023

Youkai I notice do not obey round robin rules but hey, that's fine.

RE: [v2.71] Stun Oddities - Autumn - 03-10-2023

Folks this is a bug report.