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Crash: Massive Loss - Printable Version

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Crash: Massive Loss - MegaBlues - 04-02-2015

I'm not sure where else to put this, so sorry if it's in the wrong spot.

I lost 89 Levels (LEing included) and two black books (Shine Sword and Magical Star) in the crash last night.

Normally, I'd just shrug and go about my way, but this was a lot of time and two pretty rare recipes lost. So I'd like to be reimbursed.

Re: Crash: Massive Loss - Neus - 04-02-2015

How did you get 89 levels in such a short period of time?

Re: Crash: Massive Loss - Sawrock - 04-02-2015

It's possible when you're an evoker.

Re: Crash: Massive Loss - MegaBlues - 04-03-2015

Because I had someone else grinding me.

Also, Accel.

Re: Crash: Massive Loss - Sarinpa1 - 04-03-2015

I got 120 within one day.

(Thank you waifu and trex)

it's very possible yes.

Re: Crash: Massive Loss - Trexmaster - 04-03-2015

Training day allows you to grind very quickly, dev.

Re: Crash: Massive Loss - Neus - 04-03-2015

Got any proof? And either way, I don't give out reimbursements for crashes usually, unless they're related to donation items. Being able to get that much EXP in such a short period of time is a bit unintentional though, so I might have a look at that.

EDIT: Though I do apologize for the issues.

Re: Crash: Massive Loss - MegaBlues - 04-03-2015

Yes Dev, I took screenshots of my inventory and levels right before the game crashed without warning, because I'm psychic.

Irritation aside, I was using Green Gloves, Green Soles, Brain Food, Deja Vu, and Training Day. So I was essentially gaining doubled EXP. And Trex can vouch for my level, since he was the one grinding me.

Re: Crash: Massive Loss - Trexmaster - 04-03-2015

I can confirm as the person who was helping him (I also got rolled back, but, I traded a few times, so my losses weren't as severe.)

He got those two black books (magical star, shine sword), and was around level 57-58 when the server died.

As for getting that much exp in that much time--it was over the course of roughly 4~ hours (non-stop mind you) and we had nearly an entire training day, followed up by a high-level crazy dungeon.

Re: Crash: Massive Loss - Sarinpa1 - 04-03-2015

To add, this fast level gaining is through very intense and tedious training repetition. CM magai magai magai magai click click cm magai magai magai magai click click. And inbetween you also wait for monsters to take their turns. And repeat. And repeat. And you can't really do much inbetween. Occasionaly you break off the stereotype to eat food.

That for a very very long time results in fast level gaining.