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Linzi Kilima- Medical Hemomancy - Printable Version

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Linzi Kilima- Medical Hemomancy - sirtrex - 06-27-2023

Applicable BYOND Key - Sirtrex
Character Name - Linzi Kilima
Request Type - Medical Hemomancy
Request Details - 

I want Linzi to be able to use blood magic to diagnose and treat others out of combat. This would not have any effect in combat as there are no mechanics for it beyond the standard set of ghost abilities. At most, certain mechanical treatments, such as applying gauze to a cut, could be RPed as using blood magic to sew up the wound. This is entirely for RP, and has many limitations listed below to keep it balanced in that space.

Notable Abilites:
     Bloodshot eyes: Linzi can turn the irises, or his entire eyes, red by forcing more blood into them. Allowing him to see the the heart, blood, and vascular tissue of people near him at the cost of his regular vison while its active.
     Blood control: In addition to controlling his own blood to heal himself. Linzi can manipulate the blood of others remotely to heal them, with a set of caveats.
     The target must consent to it, be heavily injured, or unconscious. 
              Doing otherwise means his magic runs into the passive magic resistances of the person he is trying to influence, causing it to be weaker, if not fail outright. 
     The target has to be relatively close. The strength and precision of this control, decays exponentially with distance. Amount of focus required increases exponentially with distance as well.
     Using it effectively requires intense attention and amounts focus to avoid hurting the person rather than helping them.
              Its basically magical surgery, so it can't be done in combat. Theoretically some basic things could be done in combat, but he'd have to skip a turn and take no other actions for it to be legit. Even then, it wouldn't have any impact on the fight because there are no mechanics for it.
              All he can manipulate is what is there in the body. He can shift blood and tissues around, but he can't create any without the help of a potion ,a nearby gleamweaver, or a transfusion. Its magical surgery that allows him to control the blood flow of a person. He also can grab onto blood vessels to move body tissues around.
    Hormone Control: Is able to stimulate the hormone production levels of a target to reduce pain from injuries or induce other temporary effects.
        Similar limitations of Blood control apply, and spiking the production of hormones can take alot out of a person if not used carefully.
    Heme Control : Able to concentrate the Iron in blood to make hard surfaces. It can be used to harden skin in places, or create temporary iron tools at the cost of significant amounts of blood.

All of theses abilities are extensions of abilities the ghost class already has in its class skills reconfigured to heal others. Despite this, all of the above abilities are purely RP abilities to be applied out of combat as no mechanics for them exist.

Bloodshot eyes => Death Gaze
Blood Control => Blood Spike, Red Rain, Rebound, Claret Call, Etc
Hormone Control = >Pain Tolerance, Rising Game, Haunting, Claret Call
Heme Control => Pain Proof, Rising Game, Afflicted Spectre

RP Justification:

      Linzi has been RPed as having a hard time using Gleamweaving, or light magic in general, but has become very adept at using the ghost techniques to heal himself and do damage to others. He's spent an extensive amount of time studying alchemy and anatomy to heal people with the knowledge close to that of an EMT, but never had the knack for using gleamweaving. 
     This is his way of learning to heal people without using gleamweaving. It is without a doubt weaker than gleamweaving. It can't be used in combat, and just acts like surgery without an initial incision required. Thus it can take a lot out of a person without additional transfusions of blood especially when seriously wounded. Despite this it can be very handy for stabilizing patients with heavy blood loss, as the control of blood can be used to slow down or stop bleeding quickly, repair arteries, perform CPR, and even do some surgeries without having to expose an affected area of the body to outside infection. The bloodshot eyes allow him to more easily diagnose some conditions however so long as they have an impact on the patients blood flow or vascular system.
     Due to it requiring the user to manually move each vessel or tissue in the right place It takes the users full attention, and significant amounts of focus, so it can't be used in combat without dropping everything else first, and leaving oneself open to attack. He also can't do it forever due to the focus demands.
     Linzi wouldn't gain all of these abilities instantly. Though a process of trial and error he'll learn what abilities he has and how to properly control them. Probably with a share of mishaps, some humorous and others unsettling that could create decent RP scenarios.

RE: Linzi Kilima- Medical Hemomancy - K Peculier - 06-27-2023

These abilities seem more or less fine if you're using them as essentially unique fluff in medical roleplay.

Just as a side note this does not mean you can roleplay gleamweaving/light magic/etc as blood magic when it comes to combat or other IC matters.

If you're aware and agree to that I'll approve these set of abilities.

RE: Linzi Kilima- Medical Hemomancy - sirtrex - 06-27-2023

I understand. I only intend for these abilities to be used for RP, have no effect on combat, and other types of magic won't be reskinned as being blood magic.

Blood Magic is its own thing, and it is not a 1 to 1 substitution for gleam weaving. This will make his solutions to any medical problems a bit more nuanced, and limited compared to what a healer can do with gleamweaving during roleplay.

RE: Linzi Kilima- Medical Hemomancy - K Peculier - 06-28-2023

That's fine then. Feel free to go through with it with approval.