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Tipping the Scales - Printable Version

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Tipping the Scales - Mivereous - 04-06-2015

It would be pretty cool if static dungeon battles scaled the number of enemies in the battles based on the number of members in a party. It would encourage more partying, and encourage more use of the static dungeons. It was pretty disappointing to go into a static dungeon with a full 4 player party, only to fight 2-3 enemies at a time.

I was thinking that a better scaling would be 2-3 enemies per party member, which would be more fun for players, and balanced for the NPCs.

Re: Tipping the Scales - MegaBlues - 04-06-2015

Considering how enemies tend to target one person and deal tons of damage, it night not be the best idea.

Re: Tipping the Scales - Trexmaster - 04-06-2015

Depends entirely on the dungeon, really. And what classes you use.

Spatials? Yeah, definitely way too overwhelming for any non-mage classes that aren't va/ghosts to handle.

This would just make not-mages suffer more for the most part, and make mages even more of a boon to have around (until PvE is ever balanced).

It /is/ a step in the right direction though, maybe not to such levels, but, probably a 1-2 monster per person deal sounds legit, with the odds for 2 being fairly low.

Re: Tipping the Scales - Ryu-Kazuki - 04-06-2015

More enemies = more time spend battling, which may mean more lag. More afkness, and harder battles due to dealing with more enemies. People already find partying to be a hassle for a lot of reasons.

Man, I don't see this suggestion really encouraging partying up more at all.

Re: Tipping the Scales - Sarinpa1 - 04-06-2015

Afkness in battle - Don't team up with assholes that will not even tell you to pause between battles.
More lag - What? Do you even...

Harder battles- That's what we're aiming for. Singles have trouble, parties never. Larger parties, more exp, more actual difficulty aka two party members wont end up being completely useless in a full party.

I am fond of this idea, yes.