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An RP Payment Is You - Printable Version

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An RP Payment Is You - Rendar - 11-12-2023

As of current, there is no real way to get money outside of farming (actual farming), or grinding in dungeons forever. 'Skilled laborers' often require items that are only found from either of these locations, and while that is fun.

What about the nation leaders / higher ups that are constantly having to RP in town to keep the place running. What about the people that, IC, work jobs but don't get paid because Oops Some Adventurer Would Have To Pay You to.. say. Work at the tavern in Geladyne delivering food etc.

Those medical officials who spend a ton of money on medical supplies, but recoup none of it because they.. for instance.. Don't go monster hunting.

My suggestion is simple, and doesn't just 'generate money out of thin air' (despite how nice it would be if nations got an allotment of money every OOC day to their guild and were able to give payments out to players actively doing their role. See: Guardians in Telegrad)

RP Payment.

It procs on the same schedule as RP EXP. The amount of Murai that you gain will be something akin to LVL * 5 or LVL * 10 Murai. Does this really make sense to just randomly make murai out of thin air? Not really.. but it does help the characters who aren't wanting to go monster hunting, because they've got shit to do constantly IC.

If someone is consistently playing the game for 8 hours a day, and hitting an RP check every hour, that's 4800 / day of play. Which can be easily outclassed by people going to grind the bosses on a loop.

People have IRL jobs that they come back from and want to play the game. Some of which are high RP low Grinding roles. They shouldn't have to rely on literal charity of other players to be able to afford stuff (This isn't even going into LEing which is another matter entirely)

RE: An RP Payment Is You - sirtrex - 11-15-2023

Maybe we could have guild budgets? Guild leaders apply to get x amount of funds into a guild account deposited regularly. Then the leader or an officer of a high enough rank choose how that money is distributed?

If we don't want to increase inflation, nation funds could come from a percentage of the fees people pay for crafting in a given nation. For example, if i craft a hi-potion in Telegrad, 3 of the murai goes into the ether and 3 goes into Telegrad's guild account.

RP Murai would be simpler to implement though, and would serve people outside of guilds equally.