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Demon Translation (Rana; Ability(?) Request) - Printable Version

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Demon Translation (Rana; Ability(?) Request) - MultiWonder - 07-24-2024

Applicable BYOND Key - TheFrogZone (Slot 1)

Character Name - Rana (Mechanically)

Request Type - Ability / Roleplay Request; Unstable Chimera Mutation(s) (and arguably, Illness)

Request Details - I am requesting for Rana, the chimera whose purpose was to be a translator / interpreter of the unknown, to wield unstable chimeric evolution as a result of an incident that had occurred a LONG time ago within their backstory.  When this may have occurred is to be left vague for the sake of convenience (or in other words: whenever the RP demands it), but the result is a chimera with the ability to learn at insane speeds, at the cost of their physical form reacting to conflict MUCH more than a typical chimera would (and to the point where it brings them immense pain).

Specific Request -

I have listed my requests in order of how complicated I feel they may be!  Here goes...

1. Unstable (Starbeing?) Mutation - As a result of a certain incident (which is to be described via draft in a later section), Rana wields an astonishly high ability to learn and *adapt* to environments.  Although one may expect this from a chimera, Rana is able to do this via sight (or perhaps the focus in the air) alone, with the main drawback being that her body has to *reject* and *dispose* of contents within her that could get in the way (which typically results in her spitting out and vomitting blood / mud / ooze should she ever be put in a rather precarious situation).  This ability helps her learn, read through texts, and absorb knowledge at exceptionally high speeds, but it leaves her with the predicament of struggling to fight for very long, lest her unstable mutation begins to act up again.  Another way one could describe this is a temporary mutation for the sake of safety, or perhaps the contents she absorbed from the aforementioned incident not being fully compatible with Rana's body, hence the struggle.  I am fully willing to talk this one out, as this is VERY easily the request that could actively go AGAINST what makes a chimera a chimera.  I would appreciate the help here given how much I DO want to make it work!

2. Spatial Communication / "Demon Translation" - Rana's primary purpose (once again mentioned via backstory) is to be a translator / interpretor of ancient texts and spatial language.  Whether this extends to the Starbeings is entirely dependent on how closely related spatials actually are to them (which I assume they may not actually be, but I would still likely have her attempt to learn how to communicate with them regardless, for the sake of her 'mission').  This one's 100% tied to her purpose and why I'm roleplaying her the way I do (and why she actually struggles with speaking common, if she ever manages), and could be a fun way to flavor having spatial mercenaries (or even for the sake of events where a translator / interpreter for the alien may be needed)

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - Backstory / Thematic reasons;  I wished to make a character that is as 'alien' as they could possibly be, even for a chimera.  Of course, I wanted to keep their basic idea 'bound to earth' still via their backstory leading up to WHY they appear and act the way they do.  Alongside that, them being a potentially OLD chimera could also help add to her distrust toward people, given how the general view of homunculi (and chimera) could've been very different to her.

With all of that said, I know there are different ways to approach an idea like this, but I did want to have an extra layer of mystery sprinkled on top, and I figured one of the more mysterious topics on the island as is would be the deep wastes!

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request -

Rana is a chimera of unknown age whose sole purpose was to be a translator of ancient texts and interpreter of spatial 'language'.  Rana's creator was fixated with the idea of communicating and learning from those that come from the stars above, and would even go as far as to imbue Rana with matter belonging to creatures that have shown ample signs of metamorphosis, all in hopes of recreating that very same power that Starbeings were said to have.  Although attempts at imbuing Rana with spatial matter did not seem to work all that well, at least not initially.

Rana and her creator camped fairly close to the deep wastes all in hopes of acquiring *anything* that could help them learn more, and through a miraculous chain of events, would end up discovering what her creator assumed were remains of a starbeing.

Rana's creator was, without a doubt, ecstatic about the discovery, and was quick to have Rana analyze and study it.  Despite her nature and purpose as a chimera, however...

For whatever reason, she did not wish to get close to it.  She knew something was off.  But if the one she trusted said it was okay, then...

The two continued to poke and prod at the presumably dead starbeing, with Rana becoming more and more antsy by the day.  One could chalk it up to being instinct picked up from the beings she had absorbed, but this was never a problem until now.  Could it have been the *spatial* matter finally coming to play..?

Suddenly, their camp would begin getting assaulted by vanguards, despite how hidden their camp was.  The two (three?) tried to fend off against said vanguards, but were unsuccessful.  Rana was left with a difficult decision: to fight what she knew was a pointless fight, to run, or...

To consume and adapt.

As soon as she took one bite out of the fallen starbeing, she knew right away that it had never truly perished.  But the process of absorption had already begun.  A process that was normally painful to her, but nowhere near the level of agony and incomprehensible horror she felt at that very moment.


When she woke up, all she could recall was her original purpose.  She knew that time had passed, however.
It was up to her to take in as much knowledge as possible.

Just like she did back then.

First and foremost? 
She knows that she needed to relearn about her own body and why she feels the pain she does now.


Thanks for reading!  I'd be 100% down to discuss anything pertaining to this in DMs or here!   Heart