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A Very Minor Tweak - Printable Version

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A Very Minor Tweak - Nytingale - 06-28-2015

This shouldn't really be considered a suggestion, 'cause it's so very minor, but I couldn't think of where else to post it so... *shrug*

So, when dragging items around from one grid to another on your interface; the items may give a prompt to ask how much of said item you wish to move. It's become somewhat like a pet-peeve of mine now, but I'd really like if you could just set the value the prompt opens with from 1 to the maximum quantity that item currently has -- It'd help a great lot when selling items to pawn shops. Also, while we're on the matter, I've noticed that it's like this when moving items from your storage to inventory, but not from inventory to storage; and, it's odd how when you're returning items from your "shopping cart" (or "selling cart", depending on how you look at it), it prompts this for items that don't even stack (weapons, armour, gold, accessories, etc).

Re: A Very Minor Tweak - Someone - 06-29-2015

I think I suggested this a while back but nothing happened with that, so I shall post my support here and make one more suggestion:

When moving a stackable item that only has a quantity of 1, don't pop up the window asking how many you want to move, just move it.

Re: A Very Minor Tweak - MegaBlues - 06-29-2015

Have a preference option where if you sell a stackable item, you instantly sell the whole stack. It'll be useful to get rid of the tons of trash items/recipe cards that no one wants.

Re: A Very Minor Tweak - Neus - 07-04-2015

The game won't ask you if you try to sell/bank a stack of 1 item now.