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Spellsword: a class proposal - Printable Version

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Spellsword: a class proposal - LadyLightning - 09-03-2015


Most magicians study magick so that they can wield raw elements or dark hexes. Some magicians, particularly in Karaten and Chaturanga, take a more martial approach, learning instead to infuse their magick into a sword. These magicians become Spellswords, and are capable of devastating close- to medium-range combat and teleporting assaults. They're rather fragile, but bolster their defenses with protective spells and illusions.

Unlock Requirements: As a Lv. 20+ Mage, win a fight using only sword skills, sword basic attacks, and enchant-type spells (Redgull, Nerhaven, etc.).

Bases and Growths
STR 0 0%
WIL 4 40%
SKI 3 30%
CEL 3 30%
DEF 0 0%
RES 0 0%
VIT 2 20%
FAI 0 0%
LUC 2 20%

~~Offensive Skills~~

Swordbolt (5 ranks)
Cost: FP, 3M
Target: Enemy, Range (4)
Tags: Elemental Impact, Sword skill, Spell, General Arcana

A thrust of your sword projects a bolt of energy at one enemy in 4 range, dealing magick slash damage equal to your WIL + a bonus based on rank. While enchanted with an elemental, this skill's Elemental Impact changes its Arcana and damage type to the element that matches your current enchantment spell, in addition to the typical Elemental Impact effects seen with other skills.

Rank 1: Learn Skill, Damage WIL+0 FP Cost: 20
Rank 2: Damage WIL+8, FP Cost: 17
Rank 3: Damage WIL+16, FP Cost: 14
Rank 4: Damage WIL+24, FP Cost: 11
Rank 5: Damage WIL+32, FP Cost: 8

( This spell counts as a projectile, and can be reflected by a Spirit Mirror or shot down by a Demon Hunter spending all their remaining Desperado Style bullet counter. )

Sword and Sorcery (5 ranks)
Cost: FP, 3M
Target: Line (3-5), Circle (3)
Tags: Elemental Impact, Sword skill, Spell, General Arcana

Swing your sword in a wide arc, casting a crescent wave in a resizeable line 3 to 5 tiles long. Extending the range increases the FP cost. Enemies in the line take magic slash damage equal to your WIL + a bonus based on rank. While enchanted with an elemental, this skill's Elemental Impact changes its Arcana and damage type to magical damage of an element that matches your current enchantment spell, and causes it to explode in a 3-radius circle when it hits an enemy or reaches the end of its range, in addition to the typical Elemental Impact effects seen with other skills.

Rank 1: Learn Skill, FP Cost: 36
Rank 2: Damage WIL+5, FP Cost: 33
Rank 3: Damage WIL+10, FP Cost: 28
Rank 4: Damage WIL+15, FP Cost: 24
Rank 5: Damage WIL+20, FP Cost: 20

( Can only hit an individual enemy once. )

( Rationale: These are both Spells and Sword Skills, meaning that they require a sword equipped to cast, but their power will be increased by a Spelledge weapon or a Tome in the main hand. Spellswords who want to equip gloves or a shield are thus advised to look for a Magickal Star -- those without will need to dual-wield a tome and sword to add a weapon's power to their Sword Spells.

Elemental Impact does typical Elemental Impact things as well as changing damage type and Arcana, so these spells might gain range and/or radius with Talvyd, or a chance to crit with Redgull, etc.

Because the Arcana changes, these spells respect -mancy talents and tome chapters if you're enchanted with an element for which you've learned a -mancy talent or are wielding a chapter-appropriate tome.)

~~Defensive Skills~~

Mirror Image (5 ranks)
Cost: 35 FP, 3M
Target: Self
Tags: Spell, Sylphid Arcana

Create mirror-image duplicates of yourself that mimick your movements and throw your targets' attacks off. For 3 rounds, you gain the Mirror Image status with a LV equal to Rank. Whenever you would take physical damage, there is a 1 out of Mirror Image LV chance that the damage actually happens. Otherwise, one of your mirrors takes the hit in your place, negating the damage but lowering the Mirror Image LV by 1. When the Mirror Image LV reaches 0, the status is removed. You cannot cast this spell while you have the Mirror Image status, and when the Mirror Image status is removed, you also gain the Illusive status for 2 rounds, preventing you from casting Mirror Image again until it ends.

( Mathy-bits: When you take physical damage, you roll 1dX where X is the Mirror Image LV. On a roll of 1, you take damage as normal. On a roll of 2-X, you negate the damage and your Mirror Image LV decreases by 1. )

Spell Shield (5 ranks)
Cost: 35 FP, 3M
Target: Self
Tags: Spell, General Arcana

Create a magick barrier that blocks a portion of hostile damaging spells cast at you. For 3 rounds, you gain the Spell Shield status with a LV equal to Rank. Whenever you would take magick damage, that damage is reduced by Spell Shield LV*10%, but lowers the Spell Shield LV by 1. You cannot cast this spell while you have the Spell Shield status, and when the Spell Shield status is removed, you also gain the Broken Shield status for 2 rounds, preventing you from casting Spell Shield again until it ends.

( Mathy-bits: Having Spell Shield LV 5 reduces the damage taken from the first spell by 50%, but then becomes LV 4, only blocking 40% against the second, and so on. Damage reduction applies after your RES. 100 damage - 20 RES = 80 damage, reduced by 50% = 40 damage. )

( Rationale: The Spellsword requires active spell effects to mitigate damage. These defenses erode over time as they do their thing, and when they're removed, no matter ~how~ they got removed, you need a 2-round cooldown period before you can cast them again. This leaves the Spellsword vulnerable to Rogues who might Steal their Spell Shield or Mirror Image, and to Magick Gunners who may strip their defenses away with Null Shell.)

~~Utility Skills~~

Haste (5 ranks)
Cost: 20 FP, 3M
Target: Self
Tags: Spell

For 3 turns, the caster gains +1 Momentum and a bonus to Move based on rank.

Rank 1: Learn Skill, +1 Move
Rank 2: +2 Move
Rank 3: +3 Move
Rank 4: +4 Move
Rank 5: +5 Move

( Rationale: Allows the Spellsword to get a third action in during the next few rounds, provided that one of their first two actions crits or hits an elemental weakness, and allows them to do it without Fleur. This makes other classes besides Kensei and Ghost attractive as a subclass for Spellsword, and allows other classes who want to be crit-fishers a non-Duelist choice for this effect. Also increases Move, because thematics. Might be a little OP to allow the Move to stack with Talvyd, but I'm perfectly willing to simply add a "does not stack with the Move bonus from Talvyd" clause. )

Inverse Elemental (5 ranks)
Cost: 20 FP, 3M
Target: Enemy, Range (4)
Tags: Spell, Huggessoan Arcana

Inverts your elemental enchantment to impart an elemental weakness to an enemy. For 3 rounds, target enemy gains a Weakness, based on rank, to the element that matches your current Enchant-type spell, causing them to take more damage from that element.

Rank 1: 5% Weakness
Rank 2: 10% Weakness
Rank 3: 15% Weakness
Rank 4: 20% Weakness
Rank 5: 25% Weakness

( Rationale: Sometimes you just can't use the target's weakness, because doing so would make you weak to elements used by the target or its allies. This spell allows you to create a weakness where there wasn't one before, or negate up to 25% of the target's resistance. It's comparable to Absolute Death, except it's limited by elements and not by who caused the debuff. )

~~Slotted Passives~~

Blink Blade (5 ranks)

When you cast Blink, if your destination tile is adjacent to an enemy, you have a percentage chance equal to your SKI + a bonus based on rank to make a free basic attack with a sword against one such adjacent enemy.

When you cast Swap Position on an ally, if your destination tile is adjacent to an enemy, you have a percentage chance equal to your SKI + a bonus based on rank to make a free basic attack with a sword against one such adjacent enemy.

When you cast Swap Position on an enemy, you always gain a free basic attack against that enemy.

Regardless of circumstance, one casting of Blink or Swap Position can only generate one free basic attack.

Rank 1: SKI+5% chance
Rank 2: SKI+10% chance
Rank 3: SKI+15% chance
Rank 4: SKI+20% chance
Rank 5: SKI+25% chance

( Rationale: Movement and damage in one action, at a chance that scales decently. Basically turns Blink / Swap Position into an impromptu Hanging. )

Ensorcelled Blade (2 ranks)
Tags: Toggle Skill

While this skill is toggled on, your basic attacks with swords use your WIL for damage calculation instead of your STR, and their damage type changes to magick slash damage. If you are enchanted with an elemental, the damage type changes to magick damage of your current Enchant-type spell's element instead.

Rank 1: Learn Skill
Rank 2: Equipping this skill does not take up a skill pool slot.

( Rationale: The real bread and butter of the class. This is what lets Spellswords use swords with their WIL. It works on basic attacks, and basic attack skills like Sidecut, Wazabane, Ritual Sword or Shinken. It also changes the damage type to magick, so in effect, the Spellsword turns Swords into Tomes, minus the spell power boost, unless the Sword in question is a Spelledge. )

~~Innate Passives~~

Elemental Imbuement (3 ranks)

You can cast Enchant-type spells on targets already enchanted with an elemental. Doing so will end the previous effect and replace it with the new one. Furthermore, your Enchant-type spells gain bonus duration.

Rank 1: Learn Skill, +1 duration
Rank 2: +2 duration
Rank 3: +3 duration

( Rationale: For a class whose effectiveness is based on choosing the right Enchant for each battle, the ability to swap enchantments is vital. It also tacks on a bit of extra duration, but not too much, because we already have a talent for that. Think of this like Wind Dancer only for Enchant-type spells. )

Elemental Accuracy (5 ranks)
Requirements: Elemental Augment 1 rank

While enchanted with an elemental, you gain a bonus to Hit based on rank. This Hit bonus also applies to spells that are checking against the Evasion skill used by enemies such as Rogues and Vorpal Bunnies.

Rank 1: +5% Hit
Rank 2: +10% Hit
Rank 3: +15% Hit
Rank 4: +20% Hit
Rank 5: +25% Hit

Re: Spellsword: a class proposal - Raigen.Convict - 09-05-2015

How about we not limit it to just swords, kay? Let's have it be ALL melee weapons, but maybe diff skills depending on weapon? It'd be more fun.

Re: Spellsword: a class proposal - LadyLightning - 09-06-2015

I don't see why that would be a problem. Would open up more fun subclass options, too.