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Special Delivery - Printable Version

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Special Delivery - Ranylyn - 12-08-2015

Let's get real here for a minute - since we all know a lot of the RP that goes down is as fake as the time you were at the strip club and someone's tits could freaking cut diamonds, they were so fake. (I apologize to any women who take offense to this attempt at a joke that sounded less bad in my head.)

Special Delivery, as is, is kind of a dumb skill. You can deploy your bots up to 3 tiles further away, and your item use range also increases by 3. Okay. So while this could perhaps be useful if you want to use an item on a braindead berserker ally who refuses to sit still for your Medibot despite having single digit hp left (aka 99% of my parties as an engineer asdfghkl why are people so dumb - and no, they're not Ghosts or Phenex, just derps) the fact remains that... outside of very specific circumstances (Examples: Long range bot deployment to detonate a firesplitter, or an Arb/Engi placing a Metalaegis farther away to snipe from safety because of AoE attacks like Famiuga and Sear. Very possibly also placing a Metalaegis next to someone who died in case Die hard procs since no one stands still long enough for a long range medibot deployment anyways) deploying your bots more than 2 panels away is a dumb move, since... well... turrets have a short range and require Upgrade and Overclock to amount to anything, and those skills have a range of 2. Medibots aren't exactly useless without Overclock, but Overclock is what makes them shine.

So, now that we've established that the main function of this skill basically kind of defeats itself due to Overclock, let's talk about my suggestion: Make Special Delivery apply to traps. (I actually thought it did until I was proven wrong when I tried it.) Traps fit beautifully into the Engineer playstyle of placing a defensive installation of sorts, and their deployment range of 2 is... well... short. If we look over at the Archer's Entanglement trap, for example, the Archer who placed the trap gets ensnared in their own vines, that's how short the range is - and it's basically identical to the Ice Trap, just replace Ice with Earth.

I'm sure some people have counterarguments to this idea, but here's my own counterargument: Traps only last for 3 turns so you can't just make an impenetrable barrier of Gust traps, and if you want to raise the AOE for maximum coverage, the FP cost gets pretty steep. Sure, you could leave your bots at rank 1 and use Salvage to get a net FP gain, but that takes multiple turns before you see any significant recovery.

I'm not going to lie; this idea could potentially make classes without range/ special movement/etc struggle to get close to the engineer, but how many of those do we even have, anymore? Sidecut, Crescent Rook, Chaser, heaven kick, etc. It's not uncounterable by any means.

So yeah, just a suggestion to maybe make Engineers marginally more viable outside of PVE.